
Good idea to learn Esperanto and another language at the same time?

貼文者: 0b5cur1ty, 2011年5月21日

訊息: 24

語言: English

BlackOtaku (顯示個人資料) 2011年5月25日下午12:40:15

I'm learning Spanish through school and Esperanto through my own study. I've mixed them a couple times, but it's never been a really big problem.

Leke (顯示個人資料) 2011年5月26日下午2:37:34

I'm a native English speaker living in Finland and I'm currently learning Finnish and Esperanto. I think learning 2 languages is actually better because I can distance myself more from my native language and absorb Finnish better. I find my Finnish creeps into my Esperanto, but not vice versa. This is probably because I've been learning Finnish much longer than Esperanto.

I've actually been interested in learning Dutch recently, since it's my preferred holiday destination. I've been wondering if learning 3 languages at once is a bit much lango.gif

Good luck with your studies.

0b5cur1ty (顯示個人資料) 2011年5月26日下午4:30:07

I would be so impressed at a native English speaker simultaneously learning Finnish, Esperanto and Dutch. okulumo.gif

For myself, I'm beginning to think I will keep my focus on Esperanto for the time being and return to Spanish when I'm further on and Esperanto is more firmly rooted in my memory. If I had more spare time in which to study I'd probably decide differently however...

aykevl93 (顯示個人資料) 2011年5月28日下午8:37:57

I am from the Netherlands, and here children learn three different languages at once at school the first two years: English, German and French. And yes, some mix the languages a bit, but only when they don't know the good word. I think it's the same as mixing the foreign language with your own language, so I think it doesn't hurt.
