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Just won round trip tickets to Cali

viết bởi ki4jgt, Ngày 06 tháng 6 năm 2011

Tin nhắn: 41

Nội dung: English

geo63 (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 09:41:01 Ngày 11 tháng 6 năm 2011

Our prime minister, starting his term of office, made a four hour speech about what he would be going to do to make our lives better. Now, at the end of his office, our press have reminded him of all his promises. None of what he promised was realized - except for lowering our life-conditions and increase of taxes. And how could anyone be happy with politicians?

Poland had very good educational system. After "reforms" all pupils in Poland are two years behind in education when compared to what it was before these "reforms". And the Ministry of Education are still reforming futher on down to the bottom. Soon our young will not be able to compete on european work market with other nations. And all wiser leave Poland gradually - who stays behind? Old and stupid. Old go to retirement and stupid go for politics. Wiser work for other countries. Will it be good here?

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