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Novaj Anglaj Vortoj!

by discouke, June 11, 2011

Messages: 20

Language: English

discouke (User's profile) June 11, 2011, 11:43:51 PM

It's that time again! 35 new words have been added to the Online Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (it's not quite the same thing as the print edition).

As usual, most of the new words are internet-based slang.

I always think the new word lists are an interesting way to check the pulse of the English-speaking world. For example, there's several new words relating to shady bank dealings.

What's your opinion? Trendy, or travesty?

Balbutanto (User's profile) June 12, 2011, 12:44:58 AM

I like bridezilla; it sure conjures up images... lango.gif Confirmation bias has been around for years, in the Skeptics Dictionary, for instance.

erinja (User's profile) June 12, 2011, 5:31:41 AM

Bridezilla has been around for years if you enjoy reading advice columns in the newspaper, as I do sal.gif

Surely "lappy" must be a British usage, I've never heard of it.

ceigered (User's profile) June 12, 2011, 6:26:03 AM

Never heard of lappy myself either.
Speaking of new words, what is this "yogurt" word I see written on "yoghurt" containers these days? I can't fathom why they'd put such a nonsense word on a yoghurt container rido.gif (that doesn't need an answer, I'm just being a grumpy old man okulumo.gif)

EldanarLambetur (User's profile) June 12, 2011, 2:13:41 PM

I'm British, and I've not heard of "lappy" either, puzzling!

discouke (User's profile) June 12, 2011, 4:06:38 PM

I'm from the US, and my best friend (also American) has been going to school in Scotland for a few years. Somehow, between both of us, we've been using the word "lappie", but, for the life of me, I can't remember who started it. demando.gif demando.gif

Rogir (User's profile) June 13, 2011, 11:26:54 AM

awareness bracelet - konsciiga brakbando
badware - fiprogramaro
bankster - bankgangstero/bankstero
bare-bones - malplej plena
BOLO - singardu
breadcrumb trail - ligila itinero
bridezilla - estraĉa novedzino
bucket list - (viv)atingolisto
casino banking - kazinbankado
confirmation bias - konfirma biaso
Cyber Monday - reta lundo
Daisy Dukes - ĝinzeto
eco-chic - eko-moda
infographic - informgrafiko
insidery - enula
lappy - tekkomputilo
lifehack - vivkodrompo
man cave - virejo
man flu - vira malsano
mani-pedi - manpiedflego
meep - pepo
memory foam - memorŝaŭmo
nekkid - nuda
network neutrality - retneŭtraleco
overshare - trodiskonigo
pat-down - tuŝserĉo
permalink - daŭra ligilo
'roid - steroido
saviour sibling - sava gefrato
schmick - stila
Tobin tax - spekultakso
Twittersphere - pepaĵaro
unfollow - nesekvi
ZOMG - kio fik'!

T0dd (User's profile) June 13, 2011, 6:01:12 PM

I'm surprised that "confirmation bias" has taken this long to be anointed.

darkweasel (User's profile) June 13, 2011, 6:12:06 PM

unfollow - nesekvi
I'd use ne plu sekvi.

geo63 (User's profile) June 13, 2011, 7:32:50 PM

unfollow - nesekvi
I'd use ne plu sekvi.

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