Messaggi: 66
Lingua: English
sudanglo (Mostra il profilo) 03 luglio 2011 07:37:33
If the original poster hasn't become completely disenchanted, then perhaps I can sumarize by saying the normal translation ( if it's about purpose) is 'por ke', but be aware there are other meanings of 'so that'.
He was a heavy smoker, so that it came as no surprise that he died young - this isn't about purpose.
ceigered (Mostra il profilo) 03 luglio 2011 07:59:52
Of course that's not reality, there are still good stories in newspapers, but I thought it was an interesting way to look at the sentiment that news is now more "infotainment" instead of "information", and creative writing and thinking never hurt anyone.

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@ Sudanglo, and previously 3rdblade:
Oh well, hopefully the answers given originally helped them, and then we can treat the rest like a "go down the rabbit hole" Matrix-style invitation for those who dare to explore more

Arvorie (Mostra il profilo) 03 luglio 2011 11:14:02
ceigered:Chainy you want me to flame you back? Or do you genuinely still not understand, in which case I can't help any more since apparently everything I say is utter rubbish and not worth reading laŭ vi.flame! flame! (fans the flames)
...OK that was a bit mean. but I'm one of those people who love to read forums/comments, and I just have to say I'm team ceigered on this one

anyways... "so that => por ke" is established, right?
ceigered (Mostra il profilo) 03 luglio 2011 11:26:36
Arvorie:anyways... "so that => por ke" is established, right?That's what I'm under the impression, "so that/in order that" = por ke. Unless there's some hidden underground debate going on

erinja (Mostra il profilo) 03 luglio 2011 11:41:54
If "so that" = "in such a way that", then it's tiel ke.
Chainy (Mostra il profilo) 03 luglio 2011 12:10:20
sudanglo:Yes folks, when answering beginners' questions in The English forum on points of language, it does seem 'iom malĝentila' to indulge in fanciful excursions.In this case, the 'fanciful excursion' was the senseless debate about newspapers and how to strangely force 'tiel ke' into the sentence!
Just take a look at the original question:
pikolas:How could I say "so that"?Darkweasel and Geo63 were the first to respond - both answered correctly and very concisely: "por ke..." followed by the u-form of the verb.
As in "the company has created an advertising campaign so that it will be more recognizable".
Fair enough, someone else asked about 'tiel ke' - it's just a shame that this led to a weird discussion about an utterly bizarre sentence.
"tiel ke" is clearly the wrong choice for the sentence that pikolas was asking about. However, it can be used for a sentence such as:
"Oni min admiras kaj min envias, tiel ke mi eĉ komencas timi."(Taken from "Fundamenta Krestomatio de la Lingvo Esperanto")
- that sentence means: "They admire and envy me in such a way that I'm beginning to fear [them]."
Chainy (Mostra il profilo) 03 luglio 2011 12:29:35
sudanglo (Mostra il profilo) 03 luglio 2011 15:54:43
I think sometimes it just means 'with the result that' or 'with the consequence that'.
Chainy (Mostra il profilo) 03 luglio 2011 15:59:25
sudanglo:I am not entirely convinced that 'tiel ke' is always used in the sense of 'tiamaniere ke'.Yes, I agree. Take a look at this (also from the "Fundamenta Krestomatio"):
I think sometimes it just means 'with the result that' or 'with the consequence that'.
"En la komenco ni elspezadis por tio ĉi pli multe, sed kun la tempo ni lernis vivi pli bone kaj pli malkare, tiel ke post la pagado de ĉiuj elspezoj por loĝejo, hejtado, lumigado, vestoj, akvo kaj manĝaĵo restas ankoraŭ pura superfluo de 4 dolaroj semajne."
ceigered (Mostra il profilo) 04 luglio 2011 09:39:16