Beiträge: 7
Sprache: English
Leke (Profil anzeigen) 7. Juli 2011 07:34:46
tiuj -- those
tia -- that kind of
I don't like those kinds of flowers.
Mi ne ŝatas tiajn florojn -- I don't like these kinds of things (is that right?).
Is there a difference with these and those?
Miland (Profil anzeigen) 7. Juli 2011 09:10:30
Leke: I don't like these kinds of things.That should be Mi ne ŝatas ĉi tiajn aĵojn.
Leke:Is there a difference with these and those?"These" is ĉi tiuj, while "those" is tiuj.
Leke (Profil anzeigen) 7. Juli 2011 13:38:03
Miland:Whoops, I have no idea why I said "things" in that sentence. I should have said "flowers"Leke: I don't like these kinds of things.That should be Mi ne ŝatas ĉi tiajn aĵojn.

Anyway, thanks for the translation/correction.
Edit: So...
Mi ne ŝatas tiajn florojn -- I don't like those flowers (but also, I don't like those kinds of flowers (?))
Miland (Profil anzeigen) 7. Juli 2011 14:36:38
Leke:Mi ne ŝatas tiajn florojn -- I don't like those kinds of flowers (?)Yes.
However, "I don't like those flowers" (just those particular ones, without specifying that it was their type that you found objectionable) would be Mi ne ŝatas tiujn florojn, while "I don't like these flowers" (these particular ones) would be Mi ne ŝatas ĉi tiujn florojn.
erinja (Profil anzeigen) 7. Juli 2011 16:20:06
If you mean that you don't like those flowers specifically, it would have to be Mi ne ŝatas tiujn florojn
Leke (Profil anzeigen) 7. Juli 2011 17:54:09
erinja:Mi ne ŝatas tiajn florojn would have a meaning like "I don't like that kind of flowers"Would...
If you mean that you don't like those flowers specifically, it would have to be Mi ne ŝatas tiujn florojn
Mi ne ŝatas tian ĉemizon -- I don't like that kind of shirt (relating to the style/design for example?) ok? How does Esperanto handle plural in this respect?
erinja (Profil anzeigen) 7. Juli 2011 18:19:50
Leke:Would...Yes, you can definitely say that.
Mi ne ŝatas tian ĉemizon -- I don't like that kind of shirt (relating to the style/design for example?) ok? How does Esperanto handle plural in this respect?
You don't like that one kind of shirt.
If you said "Mi ne ŝatas tiajn ĉemizojn", pointing at one shirt, it would sound strange but it would be understood that you don't like plural shirts that look like this one shirt that you're pointing at.
But if you said "Mi ne ŝatas tiajn ĉemizojn" when pointing at more than one shirt, then it means that you don't like any of those kinds of shirts; you don't like multiple kinds of shirts, which are represented by the different shirts you are pointing at.