Повідомлення: 25
Мова: English
Kodegadulo (Переглянути профіль) 17 серпня 2011 р. 07:58:38
Saffron = Safrano => Safrana
Fuchsia = Fuksio => Fuksia
Celadon = Celadono => Celadona
Vermillion = Vermiljono => Vermiljona
Cinnabar = Cinabro => Cinabra
Lavender = Lavendo => Lavenda
These seem to be more-or-less straightforward renderings of the names into Esperanto orthography. The rest don't show up at SimplaVortaro, but why not apply the same method to them? I suggest:
Viridian = Viridjano => Viridjana
Cerulean = Ceruljano => Ceruljana
The only difficulty is Pewter. Rather Anglo-Saxon, not Latinate/Romance like the rest. If you render it as "Peuxtra" it sounds too much like "Putra", which conveys quite the wrong idea.

Pewter = Tin-Alloy = Stanalojo => Stanaloja
sudanglo (Переглянути профіль) 17 серпня 2011 р. 13:05:32
'Stangriza' might not be technically accurate - depends on the colour of the metal as opposed to the alloys.
Pewter as a colour term is clearly a sort of grey, I would think of it as being quite close to the colour of lead but not quite so dark.
Perhaps 'metal-griza' or 'hel-plumba' or 'ŝtal-griza' covers it.
'Stanaloja' however clearly sidesteps the issue of what precise colour pewter is - so that could be a neat solution.
Kodegadulo (Переглянути профіль) 17 серпня 2011 р. 18:43:25
That's why Stanaloja would be a better bet than Stangriza. With Stangriza, you're beating the gamers over the head with the fact that it means "grey". With Stanaloja, they figure it out for themselves. Much cooler that way.
I'm curious how Vespero is going to tackle the really big job: coming up with Esperanto names for all the species of Pokemon! Every one of them is a pun of some kind. How do you render those into a language designed to avoid puns?
3rdblade (Переглянути профіль) 18 серпня 2011 р. 01:07:46

ceigered (Переглянути профіль) 18 серпня 2011 р. 06:15:03
Kodegadulo:How do you render those into a language designed to avoid puns?Well, it doesn't avoid puns, just has different types (refer to this thread)