Mesaĝoj: 39
Lingvo: English
sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2011-aŭgusto-29 12:40:19
Mustelvulpo (Montri la profilon) 2011-aŭgusto-29 12:47:29
EldanarLambetur:1.5. As a sub curiosity (i.e. for fun), how could you interpret "tei" (from "teo", it reminds me of a section on this PMEG page (scroll down to the bit starting with "Se la radiko montras substancon" Can you for example interpret "mi teos al vi" as "I will provide you with tea"?Here is a recent discussion from the Esperanto "Konsultejo" forum about this subject. I looked it up in Plena Analiza Gramatilko at that time. "Tei" could mean "esti teo" (to be tea) or "agi karakterizate de teo." (act in a manner characterized by tea, i.e. to act in a way that tea would act or have characteristics reminiscent of tea.) It's a perfectly valid word construction, but putting "teo" into verb form is a bit unclear. The discussion linked below had to do with "birdi" and "patri" which make a bit more sense in verb form.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-aŭgusto-29 12:48:46
sudanglo:Tro-kuirita teo estas abomenaĵo.Kiel vi farus tion?? (How would you get that?)
sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2011-aŭgusto-29 12:54:56
Leaving the percolator going too long is certainly a way of guaranteeing 'trokuirita kafo'. Yuk!
johmue (Montri la profilon) 2011-aŭgusto-29 12:57:00
ceigered:Just a quick bit - what's the difference between mistrafi and maltrafi?There is no big difference. I just don't like the use of "mal-" if there is no distinct opposite to something or if there is another way of expressing it, for example "mis-" or "ne".
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2011-aŭgusto-29 13:26:28
EldanarLambetur:5. "Feel free"I would say Estu liberaj fari demandojn.
As in "Feel free to ask questions".
EldanarLambetur:Does "Bonvenu" work?..I wouldn't use it here, because to me it means "Be welcome" rather than "feel welcome". But in my view "Questions are welcome", Demandoj bonvenas could work.
ceigered:what's the difference between mistrafi and maltrafi?I would say that maltrafi emphasizes that you missed something, whether a target or occasion or bus, while mistrafi emphasizes that you did hit something, only it was outside the target.
"The bomb hit, Sir."
"Hit the enemy's territory?"
"No, Sir, ours."

ppk89 (Montri la profilon) 2011-aŭgusto-29 13:35:09
1. is there a big difference between Infanoj and geinfanoj? Because in the text a man says that he's got two kids- a boy and a girl, and a bit later on he explains how the infanoj ludas en la parko. Shoul it better be geinfanoj...?
2.If I want to point a place right in front of me or next to me do I say tie or cxi tie ?
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2011-aŭgusto-29 13:52:34
ppk89:No. It can be geinfanoj if you explicitly want to emphasize that they’re children of both sexes, but normally infanoj is enough.
1. is there a big difference between Infanoj and geinfanoj? Because in the text a man says that he's got two kids- a boy and a girl, and a bit later on he explains how the infanoj ludas en la parko. Shoul it better be geinfanoj...?
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2011-aŭgusto-29 13:56:40
ppk89:1. is there a big difference between Infanoj and geinfanoj? .. he explains how the infanoj ludas en la parko. Should it better be geinfanoj...?Ge- emphasises that both sexes are involved. You need not use it unless you want to make the emphasis (e.g. Gesinjoroj, "ladies and gentlemen"). Here it's probably not necessary, because he is just talking about two children.
ppk89:2.If I want to point a place right in front of me or next to me do I say tie or ĉi tie ?Ĉi tie means "here", while tie means "there", so the first one is probably right for something next to you. Sidu ĉi tie apud mi, "Sit here beside me".
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2011-aŭgusto-29 14:29:01
Miland:You need not use it unless you want to make the emphasis (e.g. Gesinjoroj, "ladies and gentlemen").Actually, you only need not use it unless you want to make the emphasis on gender-neutral roots like infano. If the root itself refers only to one sex, as is the case in your example of gesinjoroj, you do need to use it.
See also: Seksa signifo de vortoj kaj radikoj en Esperanto