
How long has it taken you?

글쓴이: i2Bwitchy, 2013년 2월 26일

글: 41

언어: English

BenjamenoPoeto (프로필 보기) 2013년 2월 27일 오후 9:37:49

Troyus23:I am getting very frustrated with the Rezulto de lingvoekzameno, nivelo A (baza)!
I have taken this test 4 times and it seem I ALWAYS miss too many then I have to wait SEVEN days to try again! this time i got bitten by these:

4. Personaj pronomoj
mi estas malsataj!
Nekorekte (Devus esti "Ni/Vi/Ili)
"mi" is a singular pronoun, so it doesn't agree with "malsataj" which is plural.
Ankaŭ mia edzo venos. Mi venos ĝustatempe, sed mi iom malfruos.
Nekorekte (Devus esti "li)
"mi venos ĝustatempe" = "i will arrive at the right time." so if you are arriving at the right time, you obviously won't be late...
Mi havas tranĉilon, sed mi ne scias kie li estas nun.
Nekorekte (Devus esti "ĝi)
lol, well... context matters!
I am trying to give myself a sense of progress but i am feeling like an idiot! malgajo.gif

anyone else have this tuff a time?
yeah i had a tough time with that exam too, for whatever reason. *shrug* haven't taken any of the others. i have rarely ever gone to this site to learn esperanto, and i think the way i speak the language says more about my understanding than an exam does.

sudanglo (프로필 보기) 2013년 2월 27일 오후 10:32:24

Mi venos ĝustatempe, sed mi iom malfruos.
Actually ĝustatempe doesn't mean exactly on time.

So this sentence could actually make sense in some contexts.

The meaning is closer to in time (for something), or at an appropriate time.

sheep12 (프로필 보기) 2013년 2월 28일 오전 11:39:50

It's too hard to pass the exam anyway.
Only one error is allowed.

Miland (프로필 보기) 2013년 2월 28일 오전 11:50:08

BenjamenoPoeto:when i have more money, i'd love to travel for a LK..
I hope you will, one day. Being in an Esperanto-speaking environment will do your fluency good, as well as your morale. It will also give you a motive to prepare. Meanwhile, I would encourage you to persevere, and by all means attempt the exam again, after a little more study. You should find that perseverance will win the day!

sudanglo (프로필 보기) 2013년 2월 28일 오후 12:11:02

It's too hard to pass the exam anyway.
Only one error is allowed.
Is that true? I seem to remember passing the C level exam with a less than perfect score.

If you require a 100% score to pass that doesn't allow for the areas where you disagree with the examiner over what is correct. Though, of course, that applies more at higher levels.

Oijos (프로필 보기) 2013년 2월 28일 오후 12:17:16

Only one error per section

BenjamenoPoeto (프로필 보기) 2013년 3월 1일 오전 1:49:52

BenjamenoPoeto:when i have more money, i'd love to travel for a LK..
I hope you will, one day. Being in an Esperanto-speaking environment will do your fluency good, as well as your morale. It will also give you a motive to prepare. Meanwhile, I would encourage you to persevere, and by all means attempt the exam again, after a little more study. You should find that perseverance will win the day!
thanks a lot, i appreciate your support. well, i think i might have been a little unclear in my previous post. i passed the baznivelan ekzamenon, on the second or third try, some time ago. i haven't tried the others.

EDIT: just went and took the meznivelan ekzamenon. 45/50, sukcesis unuaprove! i'll take the altnivela ekzameno when i'm a little more confident. gotta finish reading Vojaĝo and the PMEG.

EDIT2: turns out i had actually tried the meznivelan once before, almost a year ago. didn't remember that.

erinja (프로필 보기) 2013년 3월 1일 오전 4:00:45

The one error per section limit is in place to ensure that the student has mastered every aspect being tested - if you got all five questions wrong in a section, but 100% correct in the rest of the exam, your overall percentage would be high but your knowledge would be lacking. Remember that these exams are also used to give people tutoring rights, so you definitely want to know that your tutor has passed an exam demonstrating their knowledge. That's also where the one-week waiting period comes in. It's not that meaningful if you see all the correct answers then take the exam again right away. Use it as a guide to help you decide what you need to study more. It's frustrating to fail repeatedly - but most people don't pass on the first try (even for the A level exam), so try to keep that in mind. It isn't meant to be easy!

BenjamenoPoeto (프로필 보기) 2013년 3월 1일 오전 4:54:13

erinja:Remember that these exams are also used to give people tutoring rights
hm, is this true? tutoring for what, where?

sudanglo (프로필 보기) 2013년 3월 1일 오전 11:48:45

45/50, sukcesis unuaprove!
Seems encouragingly high. But a certain proportion of those passes would I suppose be old-timers who took the exam out of curiosity to see what Lernu was up to.

It is amusing to reflect that in the early days of Esperanto the idea of exams would have seemed unnecessary. It was popularly supposed that you could write to someone in another country and all your correspondent would need to decode your letter would be one of the famous 'Ŝlosiloj' - a little booklet with definitions of roots in your correspondent's language.

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