
Word for "zombie"?

KSG, 2007年12月22日

讯息: 44

语言: English

Lunombrulino (显示个人资料) 2009年11月3日下午9:04:46

Since "zombio" already exists, I think it would be safe to stick with this instead of making up words that deal with zombie behavior or state of undead.

The original zombies from early literature didn't eat brains. That's a recent (relatively) invention.

Also, the nature of zombies seems to be changing. Rather than the "walking dead" or "ensorcered cadavers" they appear in current popular literature as infected living. The depiction in Zombieland is a good example.

What we refer to as a Zombie seems to be a moving target. So perhaps we should just stick to zombio.

Just a thought.

Oŝo-Jabe (显示个人资料) 2009年11月4日上午5:30:47

Lunombrulino:Since "zombio" already exists, I think it would be safe to stick with this instead of making up words that deal with zombie behavior or state of undead.


What we refer to as a Zombie seems to be a moving target. So perhaps we should just stick to zombio.
That's the problem. In my opinion, the word types in order of understandability are: BRO-words, Fundamental, Official, PIV-words, and totally new roots.

"Zombio" may be in that last category. (Although, it is in ReVo, which may form a category in between PIV-words, and new roots. Maybe Zamenhofan should be in there somewhere as well...)

Rogir (显示个人资料) 2009年11月4日下午3:26:48

What does BRO-words mean?

darkweasel (显示个人资料) 2009年11月4日下午7:00:48
