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Plue or plie?

di rev_peterson, 11 novembre 2014

Messaggi: 7

Lingua: English

rev_peterson (Mostra il profilo) 11 novembre 2014 01:18:12

Hi guys,

What is the best way to say the idea of "moreover" in Esperanto? I imagine both "plue" and "plie" are acceptable, but I also guess they might be used differently... I just can't quite get how. I'd appreciate any help!!

Thanks in advance,

BoriQa (Mostra il profilo) 11 novembre 2014 01:36:58

plie -> moreover (in relation to size, grade or degree)

plue -> moreover (in relation to time or space)

Hope this helps.

sudanglo (Mostra il profilo) 11 novembre 2014 13:28:48

Moreover (furthermore) in the sense of 'in addition to that just said' seems better translated by plie, when a separate idea is added.

Nenian sperton mi havas pri redakto de gazeto. Plie, mi ne scias ĉu mi estas Esperantisto aŭ ..

Plue is appropriate when one is talking about something continuing. Here it is like 'further, rather than 'furthermore'

Plue atendi mi ne volas nek bezonas
kaj ŝi iris pluen tra la erikejo
sed kio okazis plue, tion ili ne sciis

Also, with the nuance of extending the subject, it seems one can use plue.

Kaj plue, kiam Rebeka ankaŭ gravediĝis ...
Plue, por ke la ekspozicio donu bonajn fruktojn ..

disgustus (Mostra il profilo) 16 novembre 2014 12:39:13

Pardon me for piggy-backing the OP, but can anybody give me some advice, or refer a resource, about the differences between PLI and PLU? As much as I understand it right now, pli is typically used for quality, character, and comparison, and also is most frequently used with nouns, whereas plu is typically used for duration and continuation, and is most frequently used with verbs (to modify actions, behavior, etc.)

Is the difference between pli and plu as simple as the difference between adjectives and adverbs (one for nouns, the other for verbs), or am I missing the point?

Hound_of_God (Mostra il profilo) 16 novembre 2014 19:47:57

disgustus:Is the difference between pli and plu as simple as the difference between adjectives and adverbs (one for nouns, the other for verbs), or am I missing the point?
I am no expert, but maybe this will help you: Adventures in Esperanto: Pli vs. Plu

la skribanto:...Abstractly, the difference is this: “plu” is “further/additionally/more” in relation to time or space. “Pli” means “more” but in relation to size, grade or degree. So while “plu” is used for something that is continuing or ongoing, “pli” means “more than a certain amount” and as such is used for comparisons.
Something a little harder? I found this example on the PMEG page about “plu” using the word “rakonti” = “to relate/tell/narrate”

Li rakontis plu = He continued his narration (narrated more)
Li rakontis pli = He related more things (than previously/up until now/than others do/did)

disgustus (Mostra il profilo) 16 novembre 2014 20:06:19

Ah, that is really useful - thanks for the help.

EldanarLambetur (Mostra il profilo) 29 aprile 2015 13:54:50

I am no expert, but maybe this will help you: Adventures in Esperanto: Pli vs. Plu
Thanks for sharing my blog! ridulo.gif

Ah, that is really useful - thanks for the help.
Glad to help! If you have any questions about the post, feel free to comment! ridulo.gif

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