
Out Campaign

貼文者: eb.eric, 2008年1月16日

訊息: 6

語言: English

eb.eric (顯示個人資料) 2008年1月16日下午6:05:14

The Out Campaign promotes atheists to speak out about their atheism (http://outcampaign.org/). I was wondering what a fair translation of the title would be in Esperanto.

I came up with "forlasa kampanjo", what do you think?

mnlg (顯示個人資料) 2008年1月16日下午7:02:06

What about "Anonc-kampanjo" ?

erinja (顯示個人資料) 2008年1月16日下午7:52:49

Or maybe "Malkaŝ-Kampanjo", since being "out" in this context is the opposite of hiding your beliefs (or should I say, hiding your nonbelief?).

Forlasa Kampanjo gives the idea that you are leaving something behind. Maybe this is the idea you want to get across and maybe it isn't, but that's the picture that an Esperanto speaker gets upon hearing that name.

mnlg (顯示個人資料) 2008年1月16日下午8:11:37

erinja:Or maybe "Malkaŝ-Kampanjo", since being "out" in this context is the opposite of hiding your beliefs (or should I say, hiding your nonbelief?).
I thought about it too, but the presence of "kaŝi", even if negated by mal-, didn't convince me. "Malkaŝi" makes me think about someone hiding something, and then deciding to reveal it; but I thought about the campaign as a way to raise awareness, to make something public, which doesn't necessarily mean it was being kept hidden. Also I can't personally see why anybody would feel compelled to hide their lack of beliefs (which to me is not the same thing as a non-belief), but perhaps this can happen in some countries.

erinja (顯示個人資料) 2008年1月16日下午8:43:33

I can't speak for other countries, but in the US, it is very common for atheists to hide the fact that they are atheists. I once had a friend tell me that her whole family were atheists, then she asked me please not to tell anyone.

It would be extremely difficult for an atheist to get elected to political office in the US, in all but the most liberal of states.

Revealing that you are atheist in the US is spoken of in similar terminology ("coming out") as that used when gay people reveal they are gay. It is something that many people are hesitant to do, for fear of being ostracized by their families.

eb.eric (顯示個人資料) 2008年1月16日下午11:11:25

Here's a quote from Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion that puts the American atheism stigma into perspective:

"A Gallup poll in 1999 asked Americans whether they would vote for an otherwise well-qualified person who was a woman (95 percent would), Roman Catholic (94 percent would), Jew (92 percent), black (92 percent), Mormon (79 percent), homosexual (79 percent), or atheist (49 percent)."

I think Malkasx-kampanjo gets the message across.
