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translate: they left a long time ago

de WereVrock, 10 de juliol de 2015

Missatges: 4

Llengua: English

WereVrock (Mostra el perfil) 10 de juliol de 2015 7.46.04

How do I translate "they left a long time ago"?

"Ili deiris antaŭe multatempo" doesn't seem right. I don't remember seeing an instance of "long time ago" in Esperanto.

Btw: Do you guys know any platform dedicated to this kind of translations?

Evildela (Mostra el perfil) 10 de juliol de 2015 7.51.23

Antaŭlonge ili foriris

WereVrock (Mostra el perfil) 10 de juliol de 2015 7.52.34

Evildela:Antaŭlonge ili foriris

DuckFiasco (Mostra el perfil) 10 de juliol de 2015 16.58.37

Good suggestion. Here's another:

Jam delonge ili foriris.

And feel free to post requests for translation help on here, I think. You see it quite a bit from others, anyway! ridulo.gif If you have a lot in a short period of time, a single thread of your questions might be easier to keep track of.

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