Help translate "Malplaĉas nenio, se taksas pasio"
di smalleffect, 11 luglio 2015
Messaggi: 7
Lingua: Esperanto
smalleffect (Mostra il profilo) 11 luglio 2015 17:32:08
orthohawk (Mostra il profilo) 11 luglio 2015 18:32:28
smalleffect:I do not understand "Malplaĉas nenio, se taksas pasio" Looking up words gives me something like; "displease nothing if to appraise passion" which makes no sense.Remember: no accustive, so nenio and pasio are the subjects of the verbs.
with that in mind, I'd say this means something like, "nothing is disagreeable/repugnant if passions are indulged"
DuckFiasco (Mostra il profilo) 11 luglio 2015 21:56:58
Not very idiomatic, but that's the gist.
Kirilo81 (Mostra il profilo) 13 luglio 2015 07:41:02
Please keep in mind that you are in the Esperanto section of the forum, you can ask question in English in the English forum.
Miland (Mostra il profilo) 14 luglio 2015 13:28:51
smalleffect:I do not understand "Malplaĉas nenio, se taksas pasio" Looking up words gives me something like; "displease nothing if to appraise passion" which makes no sense.Bv. sendi vian demandojn al la angla-parolanta forumo, se vi volas fari demandojn en tiu lingvo. Please send your questions to the English-speaking forum, if you wish to put questions in that language.Tamen, miaopinie la respondo al via demando estas, ke la amo estas blinda. However, in my view the answer to your question is that love is blind.
Tempodivalse (Mostra il profilo) 14 luglio 2015 14:11:52
For example, you should be able to identify -as as being present tense "appraise/appraises", not "to appraise" (which makes no sense).
Notice also that word order in Esperanto will not match up 100% with English.
Nur laŭradike traduki vortojn per vortaro, sen iu scio de la gramatiko, ne estas tro helpe.
Ekzemple, vi en via traduko ne observis la finaĵon -as en "taksas", anstataŭe tradukante la verbon infinitivo.
Rimarku ankaŭ ke la Esperanta vortordo ne ĉiam kongruas kun l'angla.
orthohawk (Mostra il profilo) 14 luglio 2015 18:45:53
smalleffect:I do not understand "Malplaĉas nenio, se taksas pasio" Looking up words gives me something like; "displease nothing if to appraise passion" which makes no sense.Kie ci vidis tiun frazon? Mi scivolas; ŝajne al mi plaĉos la loko