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lagtendisto-ისა და 1 აგვისტო, 2015-ის მიერ
შეტყობინებები: 11
ენა: English
lagtendisto (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 1 აგვისტო, 2015 13:08:36
at this song lyrics I found word 'afterthought'. Lernu vortaro simply listed it 'postpenso'. But in my opinion 'postpenso' doesn't serve any hint to some spontaneity. In German 'afterthought' is translated into 'nachträglicher Einfall' (poste alportata konkludo/ideo). German 'Einfall' (='Aha-Effekt' ) has some intruding non-preventable character ('some spontanous conclusion pops up' )
My question is does native English 'afterthought' has some intruding non-preventable character or not? Should 'afterthought' better translated into 'aha-postpenso' to mark this non-preventable character or not?
rikforto (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 1 აგვისტო, 2015 13:24:40
spreecamper:Saluton,I feel like an "et" might get the casualness in there.
at this song lyrics I found word 'afterthought'. Lernu vortaro simply listed it 'postpenso'. But in my opinion 'postpenso' doesn't serve any hint to some spontaneity. In German 'afterthought' is translated into 'nachträglicher Einfall' (poste alportata konkludo/ideo). German 'Einfall' (='Aha-Effekt' ) has some intruding non-preventable character ('some spontanous conclusion pops up' )
My question is does native English 'afterthought' has some intruding non-preventable character or not? Should 'afterthought' better translated into 'aha-postpenso' to mark this non-preventable character or not?
Does it fit this way?
'I will gladly stay an afterthought
Just bring back some nice reminders'
'Mi ĝoja restos en aha-postmenso,
egala realportus ion kelkajn rememorigilojn'
"Mi ĝoja restos en postmenseto..."
Afterthought to me is less an "aha" and more an, "oh, yeah, that too". A little thought tacked onto the end.
lagtendisto (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 1 აგვისტო, 2015 13:28:46
rikforto:Afterthought to me is less an "aha" and more an, "oh, yeah, that too".Hhm. Probably original phrase is intented to be somewhat ironic nethertheless full of pain.
'I will gladly stay an afterthought
Just bring back some nice reminders'
'Mi ĝoja restos en aha-postmenso,
egala realportus ion kelkajn rememorigilojn'
lagtendisto (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 1 აგვისტო, 2015 13:33:54
Does it mean 'in the name of Science'?
Tempodivalse (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 1 აგვისტო, 2015 13:48:33
spreecamper:'Flying in the face of science'"In the face of" means "against", "blatantly contrary to".
Does it mean 'in the name of Science'?
lagtendisto (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 1 აგვისტო, 2015 15:04:40
Tempodivalse:"In the face of" means "against", "blatantly contrary to".Ah, okay. Thanks.
sudanglo (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 2 აგვისტო, 2015 10:41:32
It could be a typo for:
'I will gladly stay an afterthought'
or 'I will gladly stay and after thought'
lagtendisto (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 2 აგვისტო, 2015 11:20:20
sudanglo:'I will gladly stay and afterthought'. This doesn't make sense.Hhm. Phrase 'I will gladly stay and after|thought' appears two times.
I could be a typo for:
'I will gladly stay an afterthought'
or 'I will gladly stay and after thought'
Youtube allows to jump directly to regarding time code:
01:28 min
02:32 min
Both times the letter '*d' of 'and' can be heard clearly. Regarding 'after|thought' I don't know. It could be heard both ways: 'after_thought' or 'afterthought'.
So, following you: 'I will gladly stay and after thought' should be right?
But you are my love, /
Sed vi estas mian koramikon
The Astronaut /
La astronaŭt'
Flying in the face of science /
Flugante kontraŭplanita de scienco
I will gladly stay and after thought /
Ĝoje mi restas kaj ???
Just bring back some nice reminders /
??? realportu kelkajn belajn memorigojn
How to translate 'just' here?
Is it enough to have some love?
Small enough to slip inside a book
Small enough to cover with your hand
Because everyone around you wants to look
Is it enough to have some love?
Small enough to fit inside the cracks
The pieces don't fit together so good ...
With all the breaking
And all the gluing back
And I am still not getting what I want
I want to touch the back of your right arm
I wish you could remind me who I was
Because every day I'm a little further off
But you are my love,
The astronaut
Flying in the face of science
I will gladly stay and after thought
Just bring back some nice reminders
And is it getting harder to pretend
That life goes on without you in the wake
And can you see the means without the end
In the random frantic action that we take
And is it getting easy not to care
Despite the many rings around your name
It isn't funny
And it isn't fair
You've traveled all this way
And it's the same
But you are my love,
The Astronaut
Flying in the face of science
I will gladly stay and after thought
Just bring back some nice reminders
And I would tell them anything
To see you split the evening
But as you see
I do not have an awful lot to tell
Everybody's sick for something
That they can find fascinating
Everyone but you
And even you aren't feeling well
Yes, you are my love,
The Astronaut
Crashing in the name of science
Just my luck
They sent your upper half
It's a very nice reminder
It's a very nice reminder
And you may be acquainted with the night
But I have seen the darkness in the day
And you must know it is a terrifying sight
Because you and I are living the same way
sudanglo (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 2 აგვისტო, 2015 11:51:11
rikforto (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 2 აგვისტო, 2015 12:05:01
spreecamper:The onscreen lyrics are almost certainly a typo. Palmer can be a bit incoherent at times, but that is a lot even by her standards. When I say "an afterthought" with emphasis I end up with a very soft "d" there. I'm sure there is a fancy linguistics term for this, but it is just me cutting off the nasal sharply.sudanglo:'I will gladly stay and afterthought'. This doesn't make sense.Hhm. Phrase 'I will gladly stay and after|thought' appears two times.
I could be a typo for:
'I will gladly stay an afterthought'
or 'I will gladly stay and after thought'
Youtube allows to jump directly to regarding time code:
01:28 min
02:32 min
Both times the letter '*d' of 'and' can be heard clearly. Regarding 'after|thought' I don't know. It could be heard both ways: 'after_thought' or 'afterthought'.
So, following you: 'I will gladly stay and after thought' should be right?