


メッセージ: 9

言語: English

Pupeno (プロフィールを表示) 2008年2月26日 19:23:19

How do you say "Lemur" in Esperanto?

Miland (プロフィールを表示) 2008年2月26日 19:40:05

The word in E-o is lemuro. Perhaps you should consider buying a small dictionary?

Pupeno (プロフィールを表示) 2008年2月26日 21:05:45

I've used dictionaries on-line and I couldn't find it. I'll buy a paper one as soon as I can.

richardhall (プロフィールを表示) 2008年2月26日 22:30:43

Your secret is out, Miland. You're getting commission on E-o dictionary sales, aren't you? rido.gif

Miland:The word in E-o is lemuro. Perhaps you should consider buying a small dictionary?

Miland (プロフィールを表示) 2008年2月27日 0:11:04

richardhall:Your secret is out, Miland. You're getting commission on E-o dictionary sales, aren't you? rido.gif
Alas, I would miss out on verdaj steloj in the eskatono if I did that. malgajo.gif Better not to claim any commission, don't you think?

donmiguel (プロフィールを表示) 2008年2月27日 10:15:53

writing an article about lemrues?

richardhall (プロフィールを表示) 2008年2月27日 10:40:35

Miland:Better not to claim any commission, don't you think?
Especially not since eskatono isn't in the Wells dictionary that arrived this morning. okulumo.gif

Sticking my neck out, but if we're coining a word for Eschaton, I'd want to argue that it should be Eskato, not Eskatono.
The Greek root word is eschatos. Eschaton is the accusative form.

But thanks to you, via Mr Wells, I know with certainty that a lemur is lemuro, unless it's a flying lemur, in which case it is galeopiteko. Imagine! An hour ago I didn't know that there was such a thing as a 'flying lemur'. Now I have the Esperanto word for it. I just have to find a way of getting it into conversation...

mnlg (プロフィールを表示) 2008年2月27日 11:07:15

richardhall:I just have to find a way of getting it into conversation...
I believe this could be an effective ice-breaker:

Ĉu vi feliĉas renkonti min, aŭ ĉu estas galeopiteko en via pantalono?


Miland (プロフィールを表示) 2008年2月27日 11:14:20

richardhall:.. if we're coining a word for Eschaton, it should be Eskato, not Eskatono..
I agree, the redundancy of the 'no' bit occurred to me too late. Mind you, it could be suitable for the knights in Monty Python & the Holy Grail's special E-o director's cut, who, having learned E-o, say 'No!' with even more devastating results than when they say 'Ni!'

richardhall:But thanks to you, via Mr Wells, I know with certainty that a flying lemur..is galeopiteko.
This sounds like something prehistoric.
