Mesaĝoj: 129
Lingvo: English
PrimeMinisterK (Montri la profilon) 2020-aprilo-24 01:18:54
Metsis:Hmm, okay.
"Ones" is an English-thing that you don't need in Esperanto, la malnovajn is enough.
So in English a dialogue might go:
Person A: Which ones do you want?
Person B: The red ones.
In Esperanto would this then be correct:
Person A: Kiujn vi volas?
Person B: La ruĝajn.
PrimeMinisterK (Montri la profilon) 2020-aprilo-24 01:24:45
sergejm:Are teni and deteni synonyms or is there a nuance there that differentiates them?
'Tenu' is enough.
sergejm:Okay, thanks. I guess I was thinking accusative of direction here. For instance, if you fall INTO something, you need the -n. I figured the same would be the case if you fall OUT OF something.
Mi falis el mia lito - 'el' is used without -n
sergejm:Not sure what malpakita means, but doesn't malfermita mean "open"? So "It was open"? How does that convey the meaning of "it turned out"? Or are you thinking of the motion of a literal thing, like a door, turning out?
ĝi estis malfermita, malpakita k.t.p.
PrimeMinisterK (Montri la profilon) 2020-aprilo-24 01:27:27
nornen:It turned out, that = rezultis, ke or just fakte.Okay, I'll have to remember this because these figures of speech that don't translate directly give me hell.
Mi aĉetis 500-ml'an ladskatolon de supo, sed rezultis, ke ĝi enhavas nur 430ml'ojn.
Mi aĉetis 500-ml'an ladskatolon de supo, sed fakte ĝi enhavas nur 430ml'ojn.
bin (waste paper basket) = (paper)rubujo
sergejm (Montri la profilon) 2020-aprilo-24 01:47:31
I didn't think about 'rezultis'. But how did you know that there is only 430 ml? I think you must open the tin for it.
In other way, you can weight it - 'kiam ĝi estis pezita', but for it you must know the weight of 500 ml of the soup.
PrimeMinisterK (Montri la profilon) 2020-aprilo-24 01:53:44
nornen:If you want, here you have some more sentences:I do want, yes. Thank you!
Same as before. A few at a time.
nornen:The dame ordered her maid to dress her (= the dame).La sinjorino ordonis ŝian servistinon vestu ŝin.
nornen:The dame ordered her maid to dress herself (= the maid).La sinjorino ordonis ŝian servistinon vestu sin.
nornen:The man, whose car you bought, is a scammer.La viro, kies aŭton vi aĉetis, estas trompulo.
(Couldn't find "scammer" anywhere so I did the best I could.)
nornen:Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.LOL WTF? I legit chuckled at this.
Strangaj virinoj kuŝas en legatoj kaj disdonas glavojn ne estas fundamento por sistemo de registaro. Supera estrara potenco devenas de mandato de la popolamasoj, kaj ne devenas de ia sensenca ceremonio.
sergejm (Montri la profilon) 2020-aprilo-24 01:55:37
In Esperanto would this then be correct:Persono A: Kiujn (el ili) vi volas?
Person A: Kiujn vi volas?
Person B: La ruĝajn.
Persono B: La ruĝajn.
You cannot say 'la kiujn?', but you can add 'el ili' or not.
PrimeMinisterK (Montri la profilon) 2020-aprilo-24 02:00:49
sergejm:So you are saying that "el ili" is optional and that "Kiujn vi volas" by itself works and is correct?In Esperanto would this then be correct:Persono A: Kiujn (el ili) vi volas?
Person A: Kiujn vi volas?
Person B: La ruĝajn.
Persono B: La ruĝajn.
You cannot say 'la kiujn?', but you can add 'el ili' or not.
And that the response of "La ruĝajn" to mean "The red ones" also works?
sergejm (Montri la profilon) 2020-aprilo-24 02:07:04
PrimeMinisterK:... sian servistinon vesti ŝin.nornen:The dame ordered her maid to dress her (= the dame).La sinjorino ordonis ŝian servistinon vestu ŝin.
PrimeMinisterK:... sian servistinon vesti sin
nornen:The dame ordered her maid to dress herself (= the maid).La sinjorino ordonis ŝian servistinon vestu sin.
... sian servistinon ke ŝi vestu sin
PrimeMinisterK:At first, understand what the English sentence says, and only after translate the meaning.
nornen:The man, whose car you bought, is a scammer.La viro, kies aŭton vi aĉetis, estas trompulo.
(Couldn't find "scammer" anywhere so I did the best I could.)
nornen:Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.LOL WTF? I legit chuckled at this.
Stranga virinoj kuŝas en legatoj kaj disdonas glavojn ne estas fundamento por sistemo de registaro. Supera estrara potenco devenas de mandato de la popolamasoj, kaj ne devenas de ia sensenca ceremonio.
Strange women lyes in the ponds.
The ponds distributes swords.
sergejm (Montri la profilon) 2020-aprilo-24 02:18:36
But the sense is: divide complex sentence into simpler ones; translate the simple sentences; collect the translates into one sentence.
PrimeMinisterK (Montri la profilon) 2020-aprilo-24 04:22:30
sergejm:As far as I know I did that. Are you saying that I went wrong in my translation?
At first, understand what the English sentence says, and only after translate the meaning.
Strange women lyes in the ponds.
The ponds distributes swords.