
A game review I have drafted

貼文者: ceigered, 2009年1月16日

訊息: 21

語言: English

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2009年1月16日上午11:51:56

Here is a draft of a game review I did. For those interested in the actual game in question:

Now here's the review:

"Sal'! Tio ĉi estas mia ludrecenzo de la ludo "Killzone: Liberation" (en Esperanto: Mortigterzono: Liberigo).

La ludo estas pafulludo, kaj havas okazejo de la estonto, kiam homoj koloniigis en la kosmos, kaj havas du partojn: La ISA (International Strategic Arms - Internacistrategiarmiloj) kaj la adversuloj, la Helghast (de la planedo "Helghan", la hejm de la Helghan-Imperio).

Oni ludas kiel Jan Templar, ISA-soldato kaj heroo de la ludserio. Jan batalas kontraŭ la Helghast, kiu invadis lian hejmplanedon, ISA-planedo "Vekta".

Spite iliaj pli malfortaj korpoj kaj pli malbonaj armiloj, la ISA estas plezure kunludi. La grafikefektoj estas tre bona sur la PSP konsolo, kaj la direktsistemo estas facila kaj simpla.

Ne havas la perspektivo de la unua-persono kial Killzone sur PS2, sed tiu ĉi ludo estas tre plezura, kaj mi donas kvin stelojn por ĝi."


I will post the translation on the next page simply because I am pressed for space here.

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2009年1月16日下午12:01:22

Translation (intended at least):

Hi! This is my game review of the game 'Killzone: Liberation' (in Esperanto: Mortigterzono: Liberigo).

The game is a shooter, and has a futuristic setting, when people have colonised in space and have two factions: The ISA (International Strategic Arms) and the antagonists, the Helghast (from the planet "Helghan", the home of the Helghan Empire). [yes, helghast is plural and singular]

You play as Jan Templar, ISA soldier and hero of the game series. Jan fights [battles] against the Helghast who invade his home planet, ISA planet 'Vekta'.

Despite their weaker bodies and worse weapons [I wanted to start with 'despite having weaker ... etc'], the ISA are fun to play with [kunludi?]. The graphic effects [aka graphics] are very good on the PSP console, and the control system is easy and simple.

It does not have the first person perspective like Killzone PS2 [the games prequel], but this game is very fun, and I give five stars for it.

alexbeard (顯示個人資料) 2009年1月16日下午1:56:50

I don't know much grammar, so I can't help you correct. But if you are interested in translating stuff.... http://eo.wikipedia.org needs translations

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2009年1月16日下午4:01:59

alexbeard:I don't know much grammar, so I can't help you correct. But if you are interested in translating stuff.... http://eo.wikipedia.org needs translations
I never thought of that, but firstly I think I need to feel confident first, otherwise I think the bots would be a better choice for translating ridego.gif

Farikos (顯示個人資料) 2009年1月18日上午12:39:13

Video game reviews in Esperanto...

Genius! We will spread our beloved lingvo internacia through the digital medium!

...hey, I think it's cool!

nshepperd (顯示個人資料) 2009年1月18日上午1:06:56

ceigered:Despite their weaker bodies and worse weapons [I wanted to start with 'despite having weaker ... etc'], the ISA are fun to play with [kunludi?].
Would that be "perludi"? Otherwise you would be playing together-with them, would you not? Unless that was your intention... The many uses of "with" are quite annoying! lango.gif

Filanator (顯示個人資料) 2009年1月18日上午2:20:30

alexbeard:I don't know much grammar, so I can't help you correct. But if you are interested in translating stuff.... http://eo.wikipedia.org needs translations
I never thought of that, but firstly I think I need to feel confident first, otherwise I think the bots would be a better choice for translating ridego.gif
If you want a challenge, I'm trying to build up the page on number theory (http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nombroteorio).

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2009年1月18日上午8:56:34

Filanator:If you want a challenge, I'm trying to build up the page on number theory (http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nombroteorio).
Blimey, never even heard of the Number theory (or have and forgot the next day).

How is the Esperanto Vikipedio coming along these days?

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2009年1月19日上午10:09:18

nshepperd:Would that be "perludi"?
Ah, true! I just made a correction on the draft then ridulo.gif
(well, the written draft at least)

Oŝo-Jabe (顯示個人資料) 2009年1月19日下午6:26:00

Maybe you should make your own Esperanto Game Review site...

ceigered:How is the Esperanto Vikipedio coming along these days?
It has about 109 648 articles, and in terms of quality, it ranks 36th on the list of Wikipedias by Sample Articles.
a shooter
I think paf(o)ludo is sufficient to get the meaning across (instead of pafulludo).
futuristic setting
I would translate that estonteca okazejo.
in space
en la kosmo.

No 's', or else it would be a verb.
Despite their weaker bodies and worse weapons
Malgraŭ iliaj pli malfortaj korpoj kaj pli malbonaj armiloj

My dictionary has 'malgraŭ' for 'despite', 'spite' may work just fine though.
It does not have the first person perspective like Killzone PS2 [the games prequel], but this game is very fun, and I give five stars for it.
Ĝi ne havas la perspektivon de la unua-persono kiel Killzone sur PS2, sed tiu ĉi ludo estas tre plezura, kaj mi donas kvin stelojn por ĝi."

I think in this case the 'it' is relevant to the meaning of the sentence rather than just a filler word like in the English 'It is raining'->'Pluvas'.
