
Double-checking a cartoon translation

貼文者: enwilson, 2009年8月1日

訊息: 8

語言: English

enwilson (顯示個人資料) 2009年8月1日上午6:05:25

I took a crack at translating an online cartoon about current events, but a second (or third) set of eyes would definitely be appreciated.

First, a rough idea of what I was trying for:
To calm this misunderstanding, I invited both men to drink a beer with me at the White House.
And what I came up with:
Kvietigi ĉi tiun miskomprenon, mi invitis ambaŭ virojn por trinki bieron kun mi ĉe la Blanka Domo.
Any help would be appreciated.

mnlg (顯示個人資料) 2009年8月1日上午8:38:33

That's xkcd! okulumo.gif

I would suggest:

Por kvietigi la miskomprenon, mi invitis ambaŭ virojn trinki bieron kun mi ĉe la Blanka Domo.

When you have an infinitive form introduced by 'to', and you can add "in order" before it, keeping the same meaning, then it should be translated by 'por'.

enwilson (顯示個人資料) 2009年8月1日下午2:57:49

mnlg:That's xkcd! okulumo.gif
That obvious, eh? rido.gif

Thanks for the help! The results just went live. Now all I need is an Esperanto article explaining what the "Beer Summit" was and we're all set. For some reason, Eventeo doesn't see it. rideto.gif

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2009年8月1日下午5:41:48

enwilson:The results

russ (顯示個人資料) 2009年8月4日上午7:12:42

"ĉe la Blanka Domo" seems a too literal translation of "at the White House" to me. I don't know for sure since I didn't follow the news last week (too busy in Białystok! ridulo.gif, but I assume that the meeting was actually in ("en") the building, not just beside ("ĉe") it, so I'd say "en la Blanka Domo". (If I'm guessing wrong, and they really didn't meet in the building, then ignore this. ridulo.gif

Miland (顯示個人資料) 2009年8月4日上午9:24:33

enwilson:The results
Tre amuza!

Ĉe is well established for 'at' when applied to events at locations; Koncertoj de la artkolektivoj funkciantaj ĉe la domo de kulturo has been used in Ondo de Esperanto, while in Monato we have okazas incendio ĉe la Blanka Domo.

tommjames (顯示個人資料) 2009年8月4日上午9:33:23

russ:but I assume that the meeting was actually in ("en") the building, not just beside ("ĉe") it,
Ĉe actually has a very wide range of possible meanings and nuances, even in a purely positional sense. "Beside" being only one of them, I wouldn't necessarily interpret ĉe la Blanka Domo as being beside the White House. Although I can see why it might be desirable to say en if the intention is to be more specific generally.

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2009年8月4日下午2:32:43

technically they were 'beside' it weren't they?
unless trees now grow within the walls of the white house.
they were outside, it isnt my imagination right?
