Mesaĝoj: 23
Lingvo: English
FourSpeed (Montri la profilon) 2009-oktobro-01 17:51:03

Now, I've been learning for a few months, so I have a basic vocabulary,
and I know that:
koko is "chicken" and
sali is "to salt".
So, putting them together is "salty-chicken"?
Ummmm... No...
salikoko is in-fact, "shrimp" (from ReVo) ... Who Knew???

In a million years, I'd have never guessed that one until looking up the
full word, and I still can't see how they actually derived "shrimp" from
that combo.
So, I guess I've officially encountered my first completely
counter-intuitive word in Esperanto.
Certainly other native tongues have many of these (cathouse in our own language, springs to mind), but I was quite surprised to find one in Eo.
So, I hope you all can have a small chuckle over this little language
speed-bump of mine...
...I think I'll have salikoko-salato for dinner tonight...

Matthieu (Montri la profilon) 2009-oktobro-01 18:29:33
But I wonder where it comes from. I supposed it was from the Latin name (like many other species in Esperanto), but I checked and it's not the case (Caridea in Latin).
Oŝo-Jabe (Montri la profilon) 2009-oktobro-01 18:37:00
With salikoko at least there's an easy way to tell it's not a compound word: verb endings are rarely preserved in compound words, especially when the root is a noun (salo - salt), -ad will be used instead. In addition, usually only -o (and sometimes -a) will seperate the two words. So for "salting-chicken", it would be either be sal/ad/kok/o or sal/ad/o/kok/o.
Momomomomo (Montri la profilon) 2009-oktobro-01 21:16:24
rlsinclair (Montri la profilon) 2009-oktobro-02 10:44:35
The Konciza Etimologia Vortaro says salikoko comes from the French “salicoque”, which according to Little Bob ( Le Petit Robert ) comes from “saillir” ( = “sauter”, to jump ) and “coque” ( = “coquillage”, shellfish ). So it is a jumping shellfish.
Matthieu (Montri la profilon) 2009-oktobro-02 10:57:24

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-oktobro-02 11:35:47

salirkokilaĵo - salt course chicken tool thing - what?!

Personally though, I think 'saltkoko' would have been much better due to the amount of puns that could be made for a Esperanto-restaurant-comedy-show. I guess that wasn't on Zamenhof's priorities list unfortunately.
FourSpeed (Montri la profilon) 2009-oktobro-02 19:42:34
Of course, due to the humour from the past couple days, I
will probably always remember salikoko, but it does
present an interesting visual trap for the unwary beginner,
namely, cases that "look" like a combination of easy root words
when in fact, they're unrelated to what you see.
Definitely, as a newbie, I'd classify these as irregular
exceptions to the word-building system. They require memorization
because following simple agglutination will get you into
trouble (kukurbo is an even better example of that than
...and yes, I enjoyed my salikoko-salato last night...

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2009-oktobro-03 01:48:23
For example, we would practically be prohibited from starting a word with "fi-"; "filino" (daughter) could be parsed out as fi/lino, right? But no one would ever confuse a daughter and "shameful flax", I think!
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-oktobro-03 07:07:27
erinja:But no one would ever confuse a daughter and "shameful flax", I think!Lets say though, on the odd chance that one of us (