Postitused: 156
Keel: English
Chainy (Näita profiili) 4. august 2010 12:55.31
1. Firme kaj daŭre esprimi sian opinion, altirante la atenton de aliaj - To firmly and lengthily express your opinion, drawing the attention of others.
Oni devas insisti pri la graveco de la unueco en la internacia lingvo - One has to insist on the importance of the unity of the international language.
Vi povas ne insisti, mi ne ŝanĝos mian opinion - You can [stop] insisting, I won't change my opinion. (I added 'stop' as I think that reflects the actual meaning here)
Tiu reklamo estas ripetata insiste - That advertisment is repeated insistently
2. Firme kaj daŭre postuli, ke alia agu laŭ nia opinio aŭ deziro - To firmly and lengthily demand that another [person] should act according to our opinion or wish.
Mi insistis, ke li restu, sed li ne volis - I insisted that he should stay, but he didn't want to.
Laŭ la insisto de miaj gepatroj mi ekstudis medicinon - According to the insistence of my parents I began studying medicine.
La ordono de la estro estis insista - The order from the boss was insistent.
Vi jam tedis min per via insistado! You've already bored me with your insisting/insistence.
biguglydave (Näita profiili) 4. august 2010 23:14.49
erinja (Näita profiili) 4. august 2010 23:46.51
But note that "resti" does NOT mean to have a rest; it means to stay. So the translation should be "I insisted that he stay"
"to rest" is "ripozi"
Chainy (Näita profiili) 5. august 2010 5:40.30
erinja:But note that "resti" does NOT mean to have a rest; it means to stay.thank you, erinja. Rather a large slip there!

Chainy (Näita profiili) 5. august 2010 7:31.46
Penanta plaĉi, precipe al eventualaj seksaj partneroj, per elegantaj vestoj kaj logaj manieroj - Trying to be liked, especially by potential sex partners, by means of elegant clothes and seductive manners.
Tiu fraŭlino estis ĉiam koketa antaŭ la viroj - That [unmarried] girl was always coquettish in front of the men.
Ŝi kokete ridetis - She smiled coquettishly.
Vane vi koketas la malvarman junulon - You are flirting in vain with the cold (as in 'emotionless') young boy.
Ŝi estas teda pro siaj ĉiamaj koketadoj - She is tedious/boring because of her constant flirting.
La koketeco aperas precipe en vestoj kaj gestoj - The coquettishness appears especially in the clothes and gestures.
Kiu estas tiu ĉarma koketulino? Who is that charming coquette?
Note: "Koketa" refers only to women, as does 'coquettish'. But, I suppose most people use 'flirtatious' and 'to flirt' in English these days (for men and women). And there are alternative words in Esperanto, too:
galanta - This is the male equivalent of 'koketa' I suppose. In English 'gallant' also means being brave or heroic, but this is not the case in Esperanto. NPIV2 gives this definition: uzanta kontraux la virinoj rafinitan gxentilecon kun la deziro placxi al ili kaj akiri ilian favoron = Using a refined courteousness towards women with the desire to be liked by/to please them and to acquire their favour.
flirti - to flutter, flirt.
- yes, 'flirti' also means to 'flutter in the wind'. It can also mean 'to flirt with someone' (flirti kun iu), and this can be used for men and women.
flirtema = flirtatious.
amindumi - to flirt. (but not in the sense of fluttering in the wind!)
Peni por placxi al vir(in)o - to try to be liked by/pleasing towards a woman/man
- amindumi iun, kun iu.
Chainy (Näita profiili) 5. august 2010 8:07.27
Tutaĵo de ĉio, kio ekzistas - The whole/entirety of everything that exists.
Ptolemeo supozis, ke la Tero estas la centro de la universo kaj ĉiuj astroj rondiras ĉirkaŭ ĝi - Ptolemy supposed that the Earth is the centre of the universe and all the celestial bodies circle around it.
Mi tre ŝatis la romanon "La kaptita universo" de Harry Harrison - I really like the novel "Captive Universe" by Harry Harrison.
Min interesas, ĉu Tero estas la sola universa planedo, sur kiu estas vivaj estaĵoj - I'm interested in whether Earth is the only planet in the universe, which has living beings on it.
- If you put a question mark at the end of the last sentence (and then change the intonation...), then I think you could translate it differently:
Min interesas, ĉu Tero estas la sola universa planedo, sur kiu estas vivaj estaĵoj? = I wonder if the Earth is the only planet in the universe, which has living beings on it?
Just that 'I wonder if...' can be translated in various ways, each with a slightly different meaning. Two other possibilities are:
Mi demandas min, cxu.... (lit. I ask myself if...)
Mi scivolas, cxu... (lit. I'm curious as to whether...)
Chainy (Näita profiili) 8. august 2010 12:32.28
1. Agi tiel same, kiel alia persono - To act in the same way as another person.
La infano imitas sian patron - The child imitates his/her father.
Ploranton ni evitas, ridanton ni imitas - We avoid a person that is crying, we imitate a person that is laughing.
Li ne ŝatas politikistojn kaj ofte imitaĉas ilin - He doesn't like politicians and he often imitates them mockingly and crudely.
- NPIV2 states that 'imitacxi' means 'krude kaj moke imiti' - to imitate in a crude and mocking way. So, if you want to say this without the notion of 'crudely' then it would be 'mok/imiti' (to mimic).
Li estas imitanto de mi - li ĉiam vestas sin kaj kondutas kiel mi. - He's an imitator of me - he always wears the same clothes (lit. dresses himself) and behaves like me.
Ŝia parolo estis bona imitado de la fama aktorino. - Her speech was a good imitation of the famous actress.
2. Fari objekton tute similan al alia objekto, rigardata kiel modelo - To make an object completely (?) similar to another object, [which is] regarded as a model.
- 'tute simila'? This sounds a bit strange to me, especially when you translate it directly into English: 'completely similar'!?. Maybe this is ok in Esperanto, but I have my doubts! I would prefer to say 'tre simila' (very similar) or 'ege simila' (extremely similar), or maybe just say 'simila'!
Iu imitis mian subskribon! - Someone has imitated (copied) my signature!
Tio estas nur imitaĵo de oro, sed ne vera oro - That's only an imitation of gold, but not real gold.
Ĉu vi pensas, ke diamanto estas neimitebla? - Do you think that a diamond can not be imitated (copied)?
ceigered (Näita profiili) 8. august 2010 13:02.47
erinja:But note that "resti" does NOT mean to have a rest; it means to stay. So the translation should be "I insisted that he stay"Is that used at all like the French "se reposer" or is that why it's "ripozi" with ri- and not re-, to take away the ambiguities of the original French phrase (which without the reflexive could mean "to put down" or "to rest (transitively)" for those not learned in the ways of "Francese").
"to rest" is "ripozi"
darkweasel (Näita profiili) 8. august 2010 13:28.09
ceigered:Ripozi doesn't have any such ambiguities, see ReVo. It's probably not *repozi so that people don't mistake it for a re- prefix.erinja:But note that "resti" does NOT mean to have a rest; it means to stay. So the translation should be "I insisted that he stay"Is that used at all like the French "se reposer" or is that why it's "ripozi" with ri- and not re-, to take away the ambiguities of the original French phrase (which without the reflexive could mean "to put down" or "to rest (transitively)" for those not learned in the ways of "Francese").
"to rest" is "ripozi"
Chainy (Näita profiili) 9. august 2010 7:30.47
Senrilata kun la koncernata persono aŭ afero - Unrelated with the person or matter concerned.
1. Pro aparteneco al alia lando - due to belonging to another country.
Mi komprenas kelkajn fremdajn lingvojn - I can understand some foreign languages.
Bona estas fremdlando, sed aliaj tie loĝu - A foreign country is good, but others should live there. - Not sure who said this, but they sound a bit grumpy!

La fremdeco de niaj kutimoj ridigis ilin - The foreignness of our customs made them laugh.
En tiu lando mi sentis min malfremde - In that country I felt at home (lit. 'the opposite of foreign') - Maybe 'at home' is not the best expression here..
2. Pro aparteneco al alia persono - Due to belonging to another person.
Mi neniam prenas ion fremdan - I never take anything that isn't mine/belongs to someone else.
De fremda dento ni doloron ne sentas - We don't feel the pain from another person's tooth.
3. Pro nekonateco aŭ nespertiteco - Due to not knowing someone or lack of experience.
Kvankam ŝi estas mia fratino, ŝi estas fremda al mi - Although she is my sister, she's a stranger to me.
Se geedzoj sin batas, fremdulo restu flanke - If a married couple have a fight, a stranger should stay to the side.
Mi fremdiĝis al mia familio - I've become a stranger to my family.
Pli kaj pli larĝiĝas la fremdiĝo inter la patro kaj liaj infanoj - The distance between the father and his children is becoming wider and wider.
Miaj amikoj forfremdiĝis de mi - My friends have distanced themselves from me and become strangers to me.