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Hitler brought me to Esperanto!

ZOV :lta, 9. tammikuuta 2010

Viestejä: 62

Kieli: English

Rogir (Näytä profiilli) 10. tammikuuta 2010 13.11.24

Become a Polish nationalist!

PaulExcoff (Näytä profiilli) 10. tammikuuta 2010 13.43.37

Rogir:Become a Polish nationalist!
I could, I do have a bit of Polish blood in me... although it has greatly been tainted by America over the past 150 years.

gyrus (Näytä profiilli) 10. tammikuuta 2010 20.02.43

hoketo:In Rumania, even if some Esperanto-groups existed, the situation of Esperanto war unclear, till the dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu was 1989 executed.
I officially love you for spelling it Rumania

Vilinilo (Näytä profiilli) 10. tammikuuta 2010 21.03.16

PaulExcoff:I chuckle to myself that one of the reasons I started learning Esperanto is to make Hitler's ghost hate me as much as possible if I ever meet him. So far I have: Gay, Esperantist, Atheist, Jewish Ancestors, Socialist, and I'm always looking for more ways.
Burn down some forests! Hitler was among the first modern world leaders concerned with the environment: see "Nazi Germany and the Environment"

Hmm... it seems like something is not automatically bad just because Hitler liked it or vice-versa, after all.

andogigi (Näytä profiilli) 10. tammikuuta 2010 22.49.41

niko-tina:Yes. But I still like the Reductio ad hitlerum because people get frustrated when they do not know how to debate logically lango.gif

Also, I've heard of Godwin's Law, and it seems in this case it manifested itself right in the title of the thread!!!
I made my first Usenet post in 1987. I would say that Godwin's Law applies even more today than it did 23 years ago.

ZOV (Näytä profiilli) 11. tammikuuta 2010 5.58.45

paulina1:I enjoyed this topic. ridulo.gif
Hehe, Hi Paulina! sal.gif

ZOV (Näytä profiilli) 11. tammikuuta 2010 6.00.11

PaulExcoff:I chuckle to myself that one of the reasons I started learning Esperanto is to make Hitler's ghost hate me as much as possible if I ever meet him. So far I have: Gay, Esperantist, Atheist, Jewish Ancestors, Socialist, and I'm always looking for more ways.
My Grandmother is Jewish ridulo.gif

PaulExcoff (Näytä profiilli) 11. tammikuuta 2010 6.08.26

Mine was, but she de-converted to marry my grandfather. (Her father was actually in a concentration camp in Paris during the war, and was scheduled a couple times to be deported to Auschwitz, but never was.)

Miland (Näytä profiilli) 11. tammikuuta 2010 12.44.23

The great comedian Charlie Chaplin made a satirical film about Hitler called The Great Dictator, where the Jewish ghetto has street signs in Esperanto. Here'a a Youtube clip showing the scene.

hoketo (Näytä profiilli) 15. tammikuuta 2010 11.41.52

darkweasel:hoketo: Thank you for this literally translated (German->English) sentence. I'm just translating it to something more comprehensible.

In Romania, although there were some Esperanto groups, Esperanto's situation was unclear until the dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu was executed in 1989.
Thank you for translating my Goethe-English to Shakespeare-English. ridulo.gif

My Esperanto is much better than my English.

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