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translation "nova kanto" (Tone) song into English

af qwertz, 9. feb. 2010

Meddelelser: 33

Sprog: English

qwertz (Vise profilen) 12. feb. 2010 13.20.38

trojo:•1•-Shake awake
oh green call!
I'm not completly sure for that. Or do you english-natives say that this way? Is there missing after "oh" an: "this", "the" or "a" or something similar to get it read more fluently?

•1•-Shake awake
oh, this green call!

•1•-Veke vibru, (•2•-je..s,)
veke vibru, (•2•-jes,)
•1•-Veke vibru
verda voko!

Thx, rideto.gif

jan aleksan (Vise profilen) 12. feb. 2010 16.02.27

trojo:•1•-Shake awake
oh green call!
I'm not completly sure for that. Or do you english-natives say that this way? Is there missing after "oh" an: "this", "the" or "a" or something similar to get it read more fluently?

•1•-Shake awake
oh, this green call!

•1•-Veke vibru, (•2•-je..s,)
veke vibru, (•2•-jes,)
•1•-Veke vibru
verda voko!

Thx, rideto.gif
I think it doesn't really matter, The aim was to have words repeating the sound "v" (sound repetitions appear quite often in his songs).

trojo (Vise profilen) 12. feb. 2010 21.05.47

trojo:•1•-Shake awake
oh green call!
I'm not completly sure for that. Or do you english-natives say that this way? Is there missing after "oh" an: "this", "the" or "a" or something similar to get it read more fluently?

•1•-Shake awake
oh, this green call!

•1•-Veke vibru, (•2•-je..s,)
veke vibru, (•2•-jes,)
•1•-Veke vibru
verda voko!

Thx, rideto.gif
I put "oh" in there and left out the indefinite article because I wanted to clarify somehow in the English version that "verda voko" is NOT the object of "veke vibru" -- otherwise it would have originally been "veke vibrigu verdan vokon" ("shake a green call awake").

The lyrics as they are could be seen as either an imperative sentence addressing the green call in the second person ("shake awake, oh Green Call"), with no a/an/the because you are talking to the Green Call directly as if it were a person (this is how I interpreted it in my translation), or, alternatively, "veke vibru verda voko" could be interpreted as a cohortative sentence with "a green call" in the third person, meaning something like "may a green call shake awake" or "a green call should shake awake". This latter interpretation is likely closer to the original intent, but it would be very awkward to word it in English with "shake awake" coming first and "green call" coming after.

English doesn't have as free a word order as E-o, but I did the best I could. Does any of my explaination make any sense at all?

qwertz (Vise profilen) 12. feb. 2010 23.10.45

Thanks a lot, trojo, for your explanations. I will use your translation without any modifications. rideto.gif So, we are ready to make a subtitled karaoke version similar like this one. It will take some time. It will be later added to the eobo karaokeumo listo. And of course could be used during an esperanto karaokeo rekontiĝon. Only ask your local esperanto folks to get access to the whole 3hr++ eobo esperanto karaokeo archive.

Thanks everybody for this interesting discussion. rideto.gif

qwertz (Vise profilen) 14. feb. 2010 16.17.52

Saluton ĉiuj,

Done. rido.gif

Tone: Nova Kanto | esperanto with english subtitle (karaokeo)

Tone: Nova Kanto | original audio = esperanto | lyrics = english (Imagine that video in 1024x768px screen resolution. How to name that version in english? "adapted"?)

Done. rido.gif

ĝis poste,

Uvi (Vise profilen) 15. feb. 2010 20.26.24

Qwertz, I'll have to hand it to you: that's one healthy dose of enthusiasm you have. rideto.gif So go ahead and have the song translated.

Of course, I can't speak objectively: I loooooove rap, all kinds of it. I grew up with it, I write some of it myself, and produce music for it myself (among other genres). Did I mention I love it? lango.gif

I have to admit, though, Tone comes accross as sub-par to me. That's my humble opinion of course. okulumo.gif The lyrics sound more retrograde than Run DMC's early 1980's material and the beats are so botched that I'm 30 seconds away from offering the guy some of my material for free. senkulpa.gif Same opinion for Pafklik.

At the same time, I have to recognize that rap is at its very first babysteps within the Esperanto culture and, although there's a serious lack of talent (that's my humble opinion again) I have to give respect to the honest energy being invested in creating fresh fashionable material in Esperanto. For now, most of the lyrical content in Esperanto rap is far from bold, but I'm confident it'll catch up soon enough. A lot of people learn Spanish just because they love the music. The same happens with Arabic...so why not with Esperanto? okulumo.gif It'll catch up, you'll see okulumo.gif

No one said being a pioneer was easy. okulumo.gif

qwertz (Vise profilen) 16. feb. 2010 18.11.27

Uvi:Qwertz, I'll have to hand it to you: that's one healthy dose of enthusiasm you have. rideto.gif So go ahead and have the song translated.
Thanks for your commendation but Nova Kanto was 100% translated by trojo. I only made the subtiteled karaoke for that.

Of course, I can't speak objectively: I loooooove rap, all kinds of it. I grew up with it, I write some of it myself, and produce music for it myself (among other genres). Did I mention I love it? lango.gif
Dendemann's lyrics brought me back to hip hop back again. Or better: brought me back with very strong focus at the lyrics. From that it was only a small step to the "poetry slam" topic. Due to my experiences with the esperanto folks onsite poetry slams can involve other esperantists who don't like hip hop music.

At the same time, I have to recognize that rap is at its very first babysteps within the Esperanto culture and, although there's a serious lack of talent (that's my humble opinion again) I have to give respect to the honest energy being invested in creating fresh fashionable material in Esperanto. For now, most of the lyrical content in Esperanto rap is far from bold, but I'm confident it'll catch up soon enough. A lot of people learn Spanish just because they love the music. The same happens with Arabic...so why not with Esperanto? okulumo.gif It'll catch up, you'll see okulumo.gif
Definitly. Music can transport a lot of messages. Including the interest in a language.

Uvi: No one said being a pioneer was easy. okulumo.gif

qwertz (Vise profilen) 1. sep. 2010 19.17.00


*grrrr* "Es-pe-ran-to estas nova kanto, mia kaj via la lingvo internacia"

Julia (prezidanto de germana esperanto junularo) makes a interview to the German radio station "Radio Apollo". It's no webradio only, furthermore it sends some hours daily at normal radio frequency at the East-German Saxony area. Guess how that interview is "audio-wrapped". rido.gif

3:55min | Radio Apollo (German wikipedia)

philodice (Vise profilen) 2. sep. 2010 02.58.54

I am trying to get one of the music producers in my house to make some music using Eo but they are not into it.

Genjix (Vise profilen) 2. sep. 2010 19.51.20

philodice:I am trying to get one of the music producers in my house to make some music using Eo but they are not into it.
Permisu ilin ke kreos tedan muzikon kiu similas ĉiujn aliajn muzikojn

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