Postitused: 64
Keel: English
josephschwenker (Näita profiili) 18. august 2010 3:14.27
1114 - NO
814 - NO
811 - NO
650 - NO
344 - NO
335 - NO
321 - NO
303 - NO
285 - NO
267 - YES
249 - YES
231 - YES
213 - YES
195 - YES
177 - YES
138 - YES
1 - YES
From this, I can conclude that the corruption occurred between 267 and 285. I'll investigate even further; I should have an answer soon.
josephschwenker (Näita profiili) 18. august 2010 3:58.44
I compared the two versions using the diff command in Ubuntu, and this is the output:
Lernu doesn't like the format used in the game's .lang files, so I will put the output in an attachment.
Unless anyone else sees something that I don't see, I have no explanation. I used both of these files in-game, and while 267.lang works, 285.lang does not. I am completely baffled; this should have been foolproof. I may consider asking some people at the Frictional Games Forums.
267.lang and 285.lang are here.
keen101 (Näita profiili) 24. august 2010 18:45.52
I too have tried to compare my previous working Esperanto.lang file with the corrupt one with several GUI diff viewers under Ubuntu. I too could not find anything that was obvious as to why it does not work. mentioned some extra spaces...hmmm perhaps it has to do with the way the source code is written... and possibly an extra space makes the program do something unexpected?
I too find the situation strange, but apart from continuing on and testing every revision, i don't see any immediate way to fix the corrupted version. I do hope the frictional guy's can help though.
Again, your hard work is appreciated.
keen101 (Näita profiili) 24. august 2010 18:51.44
Maybe one of the accented Esperanto letters are not supported by the language fonts used in the game.
I don't know. That seems very unlikely too. But, it's a thought.
Perhaps you can somehow test this idea by changing the text file into a known format that preserves the esperanto characters. Perhaps two different formats are being used in the same file somehow.
josephschwenker (Näita profiili) 24. august 2010 23:53.05
Oops! I haven't emailed the frictional games people yet. Maybe you'd like to?
In the meantime, I might try running a find and replace for all esperanto characters to their x-method equivalents.
keen101 (Näita profiili) 25. august 2010 7:11.42
I dont understand why it is a prob though. Anyway, through a process of determination.. I found that these three lines were the only ones left between the last corrupted test file, and one that now works.
By replacing these three lines with the originals, i finally obtained a working copy. Please confirm my results. If i did indeed find the problem... I'm baffled as why...
Vidas ĉie, mi ne certas ke ĉi tiu balailo estis uzinta ofte.
Segilo. Sufiĉe rustas ke mi devas havinta tiun tetanosan vakcinon, sed sufiĉe akra por segi tra ligno.
ugghh... Lernu seems to hate "greater-than" and "less-than" signs. argh..
keen101 (Näita profiili) 25. august 2010 7:19.03
I hate this file.
Either it's something to do with formatting, or there are multiple problems.
I did find an extra ES near the begging of the file that shouldn't be there, but fixing that did not fix the file. I also fixed an extra space after the number 1923. But, apparently something else is way wrong.
again, this is really annoying that i cant find anything wrong with it other than it's cursed. I havent given up yet, but i think i will soon...
josephschwenker (Näita profiili) 25. august 2010 22:11.07
ceigered (Näita profiili) 27. august 2010 5:45.38
keen101:ugghh... Lernu seems to hate "greater-than" and "less-than" signs. argh..It doesn't hate them too much - in a message preview it'll come up as the HTML code for them I believe but once you send the message they go back to your average signs. Unless your message resembles HTML too much I presume, thus why I think you can only really type > straight into it, because the other resembles the start of a HTML line. Otherwise adding "& g t ;" and "& l t ;" without the spaces should produce < and > regardless.
josephschwenker (Näita profiili) 29. detsember 2010 6:12.02
If you can get everything fixed, then I will gladly resume translating.