Berichten: 16
Taal: English
Senlando (Profiel tonen) 27 april 2007 06:55:19
I just wanted to see if anyone else had Xbox Live for the Xbox360. It would be cool to play games together and practice spoken Esperanto.
My gamertag is "Ooming"
Please add me if you want to practice using Esperanto, and put down your gamertag so that others can add you.
Hope to see you all playing Uno soon.

mccambjd (Profiel tonen) 27 april 2007 13:45:28
Senlando:I just wanted to see if anyone else had Xbox Live for the Xbox360.I wish I had Xbox Live, but it has a low W.A.F.

SolidTux (Profiel tonen) 27 april 2007 13:59:37

Senlando (Profiel tonen) 4 mei 2007 23:34:12
mnlg (Profiel tonen) 5 mei 2007 08:54:05
Senlando:on a side note. how would i say Xbox Live in esperanto?I would perhaps use "Iksbokso" or "Iksa Bokso".
I doubt anyone would understand "Skatolo Iksa"...
As for the "Live", what does it really mean? Adding "viva" would mean that it's alive, but I don't think that's what you want to say (do you feed it, walk it, etc?

If it's only a label, then I'd keep it as it is, saying e.g., "lajv" or even "live". Just my opinion, though.
Senlando (Profiel tonen) 5 mei 2007 10:15:52
mnlg (Profiel tonen) 5 mei 2007 13:45:21
Senlando:i guess in this case it also means "online" like for, Xbox Online...Retkapabla, then.
I don't know it's always hard to make foreign words make sense and sound good in a language.Give me an English version of "transpagipova"

ElNokto (Profiel tonen) 21 augustus 2007 22:29:42

I would also be interested in talking via Xbox Live to another Esperantist. For anyone who is interested my gamertag is currently "Zikullor". You can send me a message (here or on Live) explaining why I suddenly have a new friend request, and I look forward to hearing from you!
SolidTux (Profiel tonen) 7 maart 2011 15:51:27
chuff (Profiel tonen) 11 november 2011 01:35:39
I've been looking for Esperantists on Xbox Live for a long time! Add me to practice Esperanto!