Ujumbe: 21
Lugha: English
Genjix (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 2 Oktoba 2010 12:45:26 alasiri
care for any examples?
Miland (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 2 Oktoba 2010 1:34:45 alasiri
qwertz (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 2 Oktoba 2010 1:37:56 alasiri
Korelativa danco parto unua
Korelativa danco parto dua
Hopefully that gives some motivation about that topic.
RiotNrrd (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 2 Oktoba 2010 4:40:38 alasiri
So, you cannot say "tio hundo" (for example) because that's asking one noun to modify another - instead you have to use "tiu". However, if you're not going to directly modify a noun, then you use "tio"; "tio" can stand on its own.
Kio estas tio?
Tio estas hundo.
Tiu hundo estas bela.
Jes, mi ŝatas tion*.
Mi ankaŭ ŝatas tiun belan hundon.
Additionally, "tiu" should be used when referring to a person, rather than "tio"; "tio" is reserved for nonhuman things, and so would be insulting to use in reference to a person in the same way that using the word "it" to refer to them would be.
So... if you're going to modify a noun, or refer to a person, use "tiu", otherwise use "tio".
* I believe it is acceptable to also use "tiu(n)" here because in the context of the conversation it is clear that a specific dog is being referred to (but has just been left out of the sentence).
horsto (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 2 Oktoba 2010 4:49:06 alasiri
qwertz:Not at all.
Hopefully that gives some motivation about that topic.
I seriously hope that not too many people waste their time by watching videos like that instead of simply regarding the table and reading the definitions.
In Germany we say: Why explaining something understandable when you can complicate things.
qwertz (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 2 Oktoba 2010 6:15:34 alasiri
horsto:In result: These videos doesn't fit your personal needs. But maybe it fits the needs of others, richtig/right? Yes, that's correct - because - it fits at least the needs of 4 people (plus the people seen at this video), because we did that Korrelativo Danco onsite with a professional instructor who's quite active and accepted inside the DEJ. And we had a lot of fun during that. Diable/Verdammt noch mal.qwertz:Not at all.
Hopefully that gives some motivation about that topic.
I seriously hope that not too many people waste their time by watching videos like that instead of simply regarding the table and reading the definitions.
In Germany we say: Why explaining something understandable when you can complicate things.
So, please, let the reader of my posted links judging by oneselves. For your interest/FYI: It's named "opinion's tolerance" and "open-mind".
horsto:Yes, I know that phrase. But pleeeeeeeeese, don't include me inside your generalisations.qwertz:
In Germany we say: Why explaining something understandable when you can complicate things.
There excist a laconic German proverb: "Why explaining something understandable when you can complicate things."
"Why handling matters the easy way, if someone can do it difficult."
darkweasel (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 2 Oktoba 2010 8:43:50 alasiri
- If there's a noun afterwards that the correlative relates to, I use -u. tiu hundo (that dog), kiu kato (which cat)
- If there's no noun afterwards but I use the correlative as a relative pronoun that relates to a noun, I use -u. la birdo, kiun mi ŝatas (the bird I like), la komputiloj, kiuj estas malrapidaj (the computers which are slow)
- If there's no noun afterwards but I could meaningfully insert one, so that one is implied (most of the time the noun is, in such a case, homo, persono, ulo etc.), I use -u. kiu (who), tiun (that one)
- If the correlative is used as a relative pronoun that relates to a correlative with -o, I use -o. mi ŝatas ĉion, kio estas ridiga (I like everything which is fun)
- If the word relates to a whole sentence, I use -o. mi trajnis al Londono, kaj tio estis tre multekosta (I went by train to London and that was very expensive)
- If the word relates to an "abstract concept" (so in most other cases), I use -o. kion vi diris? (what did you say?)
There are surely better ways to explain the thing, but I hope my explanation helps a bit.
Genjix (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 2 Oktoba 2010 10:55:35 alasiri
horsto (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 2 Oktoba 2010 11:28:45 alasiri
qwertz:Perhaps you should consider that I'm also a reader of your "posted links". I really don't know why I shouldn't have the right to express my opinion.
So, please, let the reader of my posted links judging by oneselves. For your interest/FYI: It's named "opinion's tolerance" and "open-mind".
qwertz (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 3 Oktoba 2010 12:07:11 asubuhi
horsto:Okay, probably an inner-German culture clash again. In detail king-individualism vs. fellowism(?). From my DE-TH viewpoint I understand your comment this way that the Korelativo Danco links I posted and Sylvain Lelarge's work are in your opinion scrap (waste). That's your opinion but telling that other people is from my viewpoint arrogant. I would never do something what makes me looking arrogant. But I also understand that the word "arrogant" not excists for king-individualists. They are the arrogance personalized.qwertz:Perhaps you should consider that I'm also a reader of your "posted links". I really don't know why I shouldn't have the right to express my opinion.
So, please, let the reader of my posted links judging by oneselves. For your interest/FYI: It's named "opinion's tolerance" and "open-mind".
"I seriously hope that not too many people waste their time by watching videos like that instead of simply regarding the table and reading the definitions."
horsto:qwertz:Not at all.
Hopefully that gives some motivation about that topic.
I seriously hope that not too many people waste their time by watching videos like that instead of simply regarding the table and reading the definitions.
In Germany we say: Why explaining something understandable when you can complicate things.