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How i should say "what time is it?" in esper?

Hyoyo-ისა და 13 ოქტომბერი, 2010-ის მიერ

შეტყობინებები: 88

ენა: English

sudanglo (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 13 ოქტომბერი, 2010 22:07:21

I am not all sure that this is a question of idiom.

It seems more to be a question of logic as to why 'La kioma horo estas?' is not used.

Think about the English equivalent - What time is it?, or the French - 'Quelle heure est-il?

Would you ever say 'The what time is it?' or 'La quelle heure est-il?'

No, because you are not referring to a previously identified time, or defining a specific time, or using any other meaning of 'The' or 'La'.

horsto (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 13 ოქტომბერი, 2010 22:33:44

sudanglo:I am not all sure that this is a question of idiom.

It seems more to be a question of logic as to why 'La kioma horo estas?' is not used.

Think about the English equivalent - What time is it?, or the French - 'Quelle heure est-il?

Would you ever say 'The what time is it?' or 'La quelle heure est-il?'

No, because you are not referring to a previously identified time, or defining a specific time, or using any other meaning of 'The' or 'La'.
Perhaps you should stop thinking in other languages. In Esperanto you don't ask for the time, you ask for the hour, that makes the difference. You ask for a certain hour and therefore it's of course possible to use the definite article.
In my dictionary both forms are marked as possible and I don't know why it's important to discuss about that, there is no way to misunderstand any of them.

mihxil (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 13 ოქტომბერი, 2010 22:45:40

Think about the English equivalent - What time is it?, or the French - 'Quelle heure est-il?
These are not the same. In Esperanto you ask 'The how-many-eth hour is'. That makes a difference. Since english is a germanic language and german and dutch would both add the article here, I used it here too.

Again from PMEG
Ne uzu la ĉe frazparto, kiu havas alian difinilon. Aliaj difiniloj estas posedaj pronomoj, tabelvortoj je U, A aŭ ES, la vorteto ambaŭ, kaj duondifina unu:
So, 'kiom' is not such a 'difinilo', and by the way it is not even any more used as a proper 'tabelvorto' because it is made to an adjective. So I think it is not a 'difinilo' and hence usage of 'la' is not forbidden. And it is also actually used. Two out of five examples in PIV use 'kioma' with 'la', both marked 'Zamenhofa'.

ceigered (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 13 ოქტომბერი, 2010 22:59:27

The reason why "la kioma horo estas" is wrong, is because it sounds stupid. rido.gif (nur ŝerco! ne min ataku!)

You're either saying:
"la kioma horo" ("subject") estas _____"
and forgetting something at the end there, namely a "what" word,
or you're just giving "kioma" something it doesn't need in the slightest.

By the logic of giving "kioma" a "la", is not "horo" more worthy of one? After all, we're asking about a specific hour, a specific bit of time, pri certa afero konata de la alparolato. That certain affair is understood by the fact there is -as, "kioma" and no other mention of past/future that we're asking about the current time.

"La kioma" is grammatically possible, but it seems redundant and superfluous. The fact that it is a question word should be enough to grant it the ability to be article free for life.

Anyway, I don't know about you, but I reckon I'd understand "la horo?" with rising intonation , rather than "la kioma?", and would probably ask "kio? Kiom da homoj tie cxi? Kiom da segxo?" after hearing "la kioma"? (well, NOW I've heard of it here and seen this discussion I'd probably recognise the time usage, but I'd still ask about the others first).

ceigered (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 13 ოქტომბერი, 2010 23:12:27

erinja:Oh please, qwertz. Are you really trying to say that there is some kind of vast conspiracy to convince Esperantists online to use one form of grammar rather than another, through manipulation of Google hits?
To be honest, he does have a point in that those figures may be inaccurate, as it may recognise "la kioma horo estas" etc as "la horo kiam mi blah blah blah estas blah blah blah kiom blah blah a".

So there may be even less accounts of "la kioma horo estas" (plus variations) than google reveals! rido.gif (one again, joking, joking, don't crucify me!)

darkweasel (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 14 ოქტომბერი, 2010 05:22:57

Regarding your specific examples, "La kioman fojon..." is using 'la' to talk about a specific occasion. That sentence would actually be wrong without "la"; at the very least, were I to drop "la", I'd make it plural, "Kiomajn fojojn li ripetis sian rakonton!"
Sorry erinja but I disagree.

The problem in this discussion may be that English lacks a word for kioma, so I will now, in the context of this discussion, use "howmanieth" ("how many" + "-th") to translate it.

I don't think a question that asks for what number something is can logically be plural, except maybe if the subject is plural too: la kiomaj estas tiuj libroj? ("the howmanieth are these books?"). Kiomajn fojojn li ripetis sian rakonton? makes no sense to me ("howmanieth times has he repeated his story?"?). A sentence that does make sense and probably conveys the meaning you're aiming for is Kiom da fojoj li ripetis sian rakonton?.

Now it is true that Esperantists do not normally use la when asking about time, but I'd say it would be more logical to do so. After all:

La kioma horo estas? - Estas la tria horo!
"The howmanieth hour is it?" - "It's the third hour!"

Without la:
Kioma horo estas? - the expected response would be something like Estas tria horo!.

I know, I know, that's not usual. I'm talking about logic, not about established usage in Esperanto. Surely I may also be influenced by my first language which does have a word for kioma and which does use the definite article in such occasions.

tommjames (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 14 ოქტომბერი, 2010 09:59:59

Frequency of usage is something I often refer to when advising or discouraging a particular form, but in this case I must say I don't see a hugely compelling argument. The issue of whether or not to use the article here seems to me like such a tiny point, and scarcely worth getting into a treatise about traditional usage and a hundred years of tradition and whatever. Yes it's true that it's seldom used when actually asking for the time (la horo), and it's arguably worth avoiding on that basis. But this is hardly some terrible deviance that's going to mark you out as a poor or "weird" speaker. It isn't ungrammatical and it has a logic that is quite valid, despite the rather fallacious arguments I've seen here presented against it.

I'll be sticking with "kioma horo estas" myself, but if someone chooses to refer to the hour with an article I'm not going to complain about it.

sudanglo (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 14 ოქტომბერი, 2010 10:56:59

Let's be clear about this.

La kioma horo estas doesn't make sense anymore than La kiu vi estas makes sense.

But kioma estas la horo does make sense.

However this latter form needs context to disambiguate.

If a friend mentions an interesting forthcoming programmme on TV with the time it is on and then later you want to be reminded of when it appears in the schedule then 'Kioma estas la horo' could be used. But it could also be used to ask what the time is (now).

As regards the point made that if we allow Esperanto to become highly idiomatic then we may just as well use English, there is more than a grain of truth in that.

So Radio and Erinja, the argument that you should say something in a particular way because that's the usage is (necessarily) much weaker in the case of Esperanto.

Esperanto is easy because of its regularity, easy spelling, word-building and so on but also very much because it is not an idiomatic language.

It is a mistake to treat esperanto as though it were just another language like the national ones.

Zamenhof argued right from the beginning that the only sensible interlanguage was an artificial one. That is, one that did not share many of the characteristics of the national languages.

Horst - what do you think 'Quelle heure est-il' means literally?

tommjames (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 14 ოქტომბერი, 2010 11:06:18

sudanglo:La kioma horo estas doesn't make sense anymore than La kiu vi estas makes sense.
You're making a false comparison. "Kiu" is what PMEG would term a "difinilo", and isn't used with another difinilo ("la" in this case), so "la kiu" is wrong. The same cannot be said for "kiom" or "kioma". Miĥil already pointed this out in his post above.

sudanglo (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 14 ოქტომბერი, 2010 11:18:08

The point about idiom and Esperanto is a really important one.

The natural languages do not abandon historical baggage readily - look at English spelling - so that most of them are an unholy mess, cluttered with inherited forms.

However, if a better, clearer form comes along, the Esperantists are much more likely to embrace it, confining the older form to the dustbin of history.

Already, in NPIV there are quite a few entries with the note 'archaic'.

There are some oddities in Esperanto like Eldoni for publish and Priskribi for an oral description, but mercifully it's clarity and logic which largely rule the day.

As an example of a something that was discarded you can look at Elrigardo which was abandoned in favour of Aspekto.

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