Příspěvky: 31
Jazyk: English
qwertz (Ukázat profil) 13. května 2011 9:49:37
3rdblade:Re asking about experience level, I have found that some language learners label themselves, and the result is slower learning. "I'm not very good at studying, I'm hopeless at grammar, people don't understand my pronunciation," etc. Naming things is not always a good thing. In this case, I think people will figure out your level pretty fast, and esperantists are very tolerant about this kind of thing as we've all been beginners. When I started meeting people and speaking Esperanto, my level was lower, but I spoke clearly, a little slowly, and a little more loudly and deeply, and what do you think? I did it at a Zamenhof day last year and people told me that I was really good at speaking. Self-confidence and building it up in different ways is a big part of learning.That self-blocking effect seems to be part of that psycholocial theory: Self-fullfilling_prophecy. Someones still holds an good language proficency but does block itselves.