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esperanto translation, please dubble check :)

by dnaleor, April 17, 2015

Messages: 26

Language: English

dnaleor (User's profile) April 27, 2015, 3:39:22 PM

A friendly bump for these final 2 questions okulumo.gif
luigi1111:Ok, so in esperanto would it be "sen sekreteco neniu libereco" or "sen privateco neniu libereco"? Something else? ridulo.gif
luigi1111:Could you explain "el ciferoj venas forto" in a similar fashion as the quote above?

Christa627 (User's profile) May 6, 2015, 9:50:39 PM

luigi1111:Ok, so in esperanto would it be "sen sekreteco neniu libereco" or "sen privateco neniu libereco"? Something else? ridulo.gif
That sounds fine to me...

luigi1111:Could you explain "el ciferoj venas forto" in a similar fashion as the quote above?
Well, according to the Plena Ilustrita Vortaro (commonly referred to as PIV), a "cifero" is the printed/written number itself; "Li skribis grandajn ciferojn", would mean that he was writing numbers with a large font size... so, perhaps, since it has to do with encryption, strength might come from that kind of number.

Talisman (User's profile) March 17, 2016, 9:20:02 PM

I like

En numeroj estas fortoj

or en Ĉifro estas monerforton

erinja (User's profile) March 18, 2016, 6:59:56 PM

No -n with estas.

Alkanadi (User's profile) March 20, 2016, 8:30:26 AM

On the coin you could write:
En kriptografio ni fidas

How is this coin mined?

I checked out the website. Let us know when everything is finished and it is ready to go. I probably will invest some money into it.

erinja (User's profile) March 20, 2016, 3:24:29 PM

Christa627:Well, according to the Plena Ilustrita Vortaro (commonly referred to as PIV), a "cifero" is the printed/written number itself; "Li skribis grandajn ciferojn", would mean that he was writing numbers with a large font size... so, perhaps, since it has to do with encryption, strength might come from that kind of number.
Yep, a cifero is a digit.

If you make them really strong they won't rust away easily. Or write them in a very permanent ink, on a permanent surface. Those are strong "ciferoj".

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