Mensagens: 31
Idioma: English
aausernameaa (Mostrar o perfil) 8 de setembro de 2015 14:52:03
How about Brunajo (Brunei)? Is it "Bru naj o" or Bru na jo"?
How about brunejanino (Bruneian woman)? Is it "bru nej a ni no" or what?
Is there any rule on pronunciations? Or you have to remember case by case? Thanks.
jagr2808 (Mostrar o perfil) 8 de setembro de 2015 15:01:31
aausernameaa (Mostrar o perfil) 8 de setembro de 2015 15:05:26
jagr2808:I'm no expert, but I don't believe it matters. They sound very similar and doesn't really affect the language.I don't think so, if you say it slowly they sound different to me.
jagr2808 (Mostrar o perfil) 8 de setembro de 2015 15:07:05
vejktoro (Mostrar o perfil) 8 de setembro de 2015 15:07:43
erinja (Mostrar o perfil) 8 de setembro de 2015 15:52:25
aausernameaa:Most people don't speak that slowly so it isn't something people worry about too much. but dipthongs are usually kept intact, as someone already mentioned. It would be lern-ej-o, and not lern-e-jo, if you really cared to parse it. Grammatical elements would be expected to be kept intact in pronunciation.jagr2808:I'm no expert, but I don't believe it matters. They sound very similar and doesn't really affect the language.I don't think so, if you say it slowly they sound different to me.
Alkanadi (Mostrar o perfil) 8 de setembro de 2015 16:42:27
Maybe, this will help.
Listen to this guy. He uploads new videos daily. I think it will help with the listening and pronunciation.
Give Duolingo a shot also.
These are some things that helped with the sound of the words.
MrMosier (Mostrar o perfil) 8 de setembro de 2015 19:47:59
jagr2808:They sound different but very similarI've heard videos of people pronouncing the diphthong split into separate syllables ("ler-ne-jo" instead of "ler-nej-o" ). It's more difficult for me to understand this than it is when the diphthong is kept intact. It's not much of a difference, true, however, it is there (just as how Wisconsinites say "Wi-scon-sin" and everyone else says "Wis-con-sin" ). It's there but subtle, often enough to impede comprehension.
Matthieu (Mostrar o perfil) 8 de setembro de 2015 19:51:45
Urho (Mostrar o perfil) 8 de setembro de 2015 19:59:29