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Esperanto Movies

Alkanadi, 2016 m. sausis 7 d.

Žinutės: 12

Kalba: English

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2016 m. sausis 7 d. 15:07:14

Have you heard of a movie called Atako de la Lunaj Zombioj


What are your thoughts about it?

erinja (Rodyti profilį) 2016 m. sausis 7 d. 19:23:15

I saw it. It's cute but it goes on a little too long, and the Esperanto dubbing wasn't done that well (the dubbing improves in successive moves as they improved their methods).

I did voices for a couple of the films after that, the quality varies but I find them moderately enjoyable.

NJ Esperantist (Rodyti profilį) 2016 m. sausis 8 d. 03:14:38

I helped translate this film into Esperanto. I don't recall if I helped proofread the translation or not, but I may have. I had a small voice role in the Esperanto voice dub. Being our first go, and having a rather short deadline, the translation could have been better.

That said. The film is a little longer than needed, especially in these modern times of short attention spans. It does come off as being silly, but that's sort of the point. There's a bunch of 'in jokes' that are in many of the Mihm films. Part of the fun is spotting them, if you're a fan. The quality of the translations and the films improve somewhat in later releases.

Dave Rutan

Vestitor (Rodyti profilį) 2016 m. sausis 8 d. 10:17:09

Did all the people dubbing this even see the film they were voicing? It sounds like people reading cue cards!

If the story is good for an entire film it could probably hold my attention, though I admit to being somewhat biased against the subject matter.

erinja (Rodyti profilį) 2016 m. sausis 8 d. 16:23:54

You don't see the film you are voicing, you have only the script. Lunaj Zombioj was the first try and there are one or two voices who were clearly just reading their lines but after that film, I think the quality improves.

NJ Esperantist (Rodyti profilį) 2016 m. sausis 8 d. 18:06:14

The voice dub quality has definitely improved as we've gone along. It's a project I look forward to each year.

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2016 m. sausis 10 d. 07:06:53

erinja:I did voices for a couple of the films after that, the quality varies but I find them moderately enjoyable.
Cool. Good for you. Esperanto needs more media.

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2016 m. sausis 10 d. 07:09:37

NJ Esperantist:It's a project I look forward to each year.
A heartfilled thanks to you for your work!

NJ Esperantist (Rodyti profilį) 2016 m. sausis 10 d. 23:48:48

At the very least, the Esperanto pronunciation is better than Incubus.

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2016 m. sausis 11 d. 07:35:26

NJ Esperantist:At the very least, the Esperanto pronunciation is better than Incubus.

By the way, did Incubus even make any money?

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