
Is this correct?

Alkanadi, 2016年2月10日

讯息: 16

语言: English

Tsahraf (显示个人资料) 2016年2月17日上午11:15:16

I said, "he shakes his head." = "Li lavas lian kapon."
Very bad mistake, I meant to say:
"he shakes his head." = "Li skuas lian kapon."
I doubt there is any culture where one washes someone's head to indicate "no."

I agree it should be "sian" instead of "lian." That is how I see Zamenhof using "sian" in La Sankta Biblia. For example:
"nun eble li etendos sian manon..."

sergejm (显示个人资料) 2016年2月18日上午5:27:44

'Li skuas lian kapon' is understandable if there is no other 'li'.
But in
'Kliento venis al frizejo kaj petis, ke frizisto frizu lian barbon'
this means client's beard, 'sian barbon' would mean barber's beard.

nornen (显示个人资料) 2016年2月18日下午3:21:42

sergejm:'Li skuas lian kapon' is understandable if there is no other 'li'.
I dare to disagree. "Li skuas lian kapon" without doubt implies that there are indeed two different persons involved: The shaker and the owner of the head. It is impossible that this sentence refers to only one person.

erinja (显示个人资料) 2016年2月18日下午4:12:30

sergejm:'Li skuas lian kapon' is understandable if there is no other 'li'.
I dare to disagree. "Li skuas lian kapon" without doubt implies that there are indeed two different persons involved: The shaker and the owner of the head. It is impossible that this sentence refers to only one person.

Even if you understood through context that the person means to say "Li skuas sian kapon", by definition the sentence has to refer to another "li", so if there is clearly only one "li" in the picture, then you assume the person speaking made a grammatical error.

Miland (显示个人资料) 2016年2月19日上午8:42:46

Here's a historical question: the respective uses of sian and lian can be seen in the Fundamenta ekzercaro. But where did the grammatical principle just stated first appear explicitly? It's in PMEG, of course.

Kirilo81 (显示个人资料) 2016年2月19日上午8:50:35

si is in the Unua Libro, its use as a reflexive pronoun and the non-reflexive use of li, ŝi, ĝi, ili is there from the beginning (as it is common for Russian and Polish, so don't expect Z to make errors here).
