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(The Words) "Bigamy" and "Polygamy"

از werechick, 19 مارس 2008

پست‌ها: 17

زبان: English

werechick (نمایش مشخصات) 19 مارس 2008،‏ 4:15:00

I'm not in favor of the practice, but I seek the words for the purpose of bad prose and the translations of even worse one liners.

I would suppose duedzineco would work for bigamy and pliedzineco for polygamy, but I don't know if I would be understood if I used that construction. Is there an existing convention?

RiotNrrd (نمایش مشخصات) 19 مارس 2008،‏ 5:19:24

According to the CEED, "bigamy" is "bigamio", and "polygamy" is "poligamio".

Miland (نمایش مشخصات) 19 مارس 2008،‏ 8:51:00

Likewise Wells. And both bigamio and poligamio are in PIV 2005.
That said, Werechick's construction seems logical to me, and E-o is supposed to let us form compound words that way.

sergejm (نمایش مشخصات) 19 مارس 2008،‏ 9:01:58

werechick:I would suppose duedzineco would work for bigamy and pliedzineco for polygamy
multedzineco for polygamy.
But bigamio and poligamio are better.

multedzinhavulo or multedzinulo or poligamiulo for man, who has many wifes.

mnlg (نمایش مشخصات) 19 مارس 2008،‏ 10:11:46

Miland:That said, Werechick's construction seems logical to me
I would perhaps suggest pluredzeco. I will check the PIV as soon as I get home.

Frankouche (نمایش مشخصات) 19 مارس 2008،‏ 10:26:44

werechick:I would suppose duedzineco would work for bigamy and pliedzineco for polygamy
multedzineco for polygamy.
But bigamio and poligamio are better.

multedzinhavulo or multedzinulo or poligamiulo for man, who has many wifes.
In Tibetio, a woman can have many men (polyandrie) : multedzeco, pluredzeco ?
These words are more precise.

sergejm (نمایش مشخصات) 19 مارس 2008،‏ 10:34:27

mnlg:I would perhaps suggest pluredzeco. I will check the PIV as soon as I get home.
pluredzeco is having some husbands (polyandry?)


En pluredzina moro ĉiu plia edzino, kun malpli alta oficiala rango ol la unua edzino
In polygamy every next wife after the first one.

mnlg (نمایش مشخصات) 19 مارس 2008،‏ 10:44:23

pluredzeco is having some husbands (polyandry?)
According to my dictionary, polygamy is defined as such:

"the practice or condition of having more than one spouse, esp. wife, at one time."

Therefore I think pluredzeco is still valid (I read it as "plural-marriage-related-entity-quality", not as "plural-husband-quality").

The word "gamos" means "marriage".

erinja (نمایش مشخصات) 19 مارس 2008،‏ 17:34:28

Polygamy is having multiple (more than two) spouses. It is the generic term; it doesn't matter whether it's multiple husbands or multiple wives.

polyandry is when a woman has multiple husbands
(poly = many, andros = male)

polygyny is when a man has multiple wives
(poly = many, gyno = female)

eb.eric (نمایش مشخصات) 19 مارس 2008،‏ 21:07:36

and polygynandry is a whole group of mates

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