Al la enhavo

Transitive and Intransitive verbs and the determination thereof

de Frakseno, 2008-majo-22

Mesaĝoj: 24

Lingvo: English

mnlg (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-26 15:21:45

Rohan:Can intransitive verbs have passive participles?

E.g.: 'Li mortis hieraux. Do, nun, li estas mortinta'.
This is an active participle.
When, if at all, can we say 'mortita'?
As far as I know, we can't.

Frakseno (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-28 18:59:01

"No. You have to learn them by heart."

As a beginner, I am left shell-shocked by my first encounter with large-scale linguistic unpredictability in Esperanto.
This is just horrifying. shoko.gif

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-28 19:53:12

Frakseno: I am left shell-shocked...
This is just horrifying. shoko.gif
Did you memorise the lists I posted here, as I advised you to? If not, why not?

giksero (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-28 20:50:03

Kiam mi aktive lernis Eo-verbojn, mi lernis ilin pare: komenci ion - komenciĝi, droni - dronigi iun.
Sed fakte tion mi malofte faris. La ĝustan uzon de la plej multaj verboj mi lernis parolante kaj aŭskultante la lingvon. Post iu tempo mi aŭdas kiu formo ĝustas, pli malpli kiel en mia gepatra lingvo aŭ, parte, en la angla.

Do laŭ mi la problemo ekzistas, sed ne estas tiel terure (kiel ankaŭ mi unue timis). Oni preskaŭ ĉiam estas komprenata kiam oni eraras, kaj la problemo solvas sin mem dum uzado.

Matthieu (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-28 20:54:30

Since this thread is about transitivity, I think I can ask my question here.

Vidi means to see, so vidigi means to make someone see.

So how can I say “I make you see him”? “Mi vidigas vin al li” or “Mi vidigas lin al vi”?

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-28 22:10:39

Mutusen:how can I say “I make you see him”? “Mi vidigas vin al li” or “Mi vidigas lin al vi”?
I would suggest Mi igas vin vidi al li.

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-28 22:12:11

giksero:Kiam mi aktive lernis Eo-verbojn...
Please provide an English translation for the beginners!

Frakseno (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-28 22:40:14

Miland:Did you memorise the lists I posted here, as I advised you to? If not, why not?

1. I've had a busy week, not conducive to memorisation of linguistic rules.

2. I was out making sure that I still had a sense of humor.


Note to self: don't joke around about E-o being at all irregular.

Edited to add: Sorry that my original post was not clear enough in indicating that I was being facetious. I understand how I could be misunderstood.

mnlg (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-29 07:16:48

So how can I say “I make you see him”?
I think the clearest translation is Mi igas vin vidi lin.

Mi vidigas lin al vi is also correct.

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2008-majo-29 09:44:39

Rather than repeat the accusative, which would create ambiguity, to distinguish direct from indirect objects, al is placed before the indirect object. Thus

Li bruligis al si la manon, he burned his hand.
Ili tranĉis al li la barbon, they cut his beard (the beard for him).
Ŝi preparas al ni bonan manĝon, she is preparing us a good meal.
Ĉu vi faros servon al mi? Will you do me a service?

Hence my avoidance of the double accusative.

Here's a reference to PMEG (section 'nerekta objekto'):

Reen al la supro