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Sufiksoj por kromnomoj?

von IndigoGollum, 14. Januar 2024

Beiträge: 13

Sprache: English

Metsis (Profil anzeigen) 18. Januar 2024 14:49:22

IndigoGollum:That's interesting. How do Finns typically refer to one another if not by name?
While some personel in shops and restaurants carry name tags, addressing them by name, like you seem to do in the USA based on films, is considered, if not ill-mannered, at least really strange. For getting their attention you simply greet them or say "excuse me", or in case of waiters say "waiter".

Among friends and between family members you use names only when referring to third persons. Within a family you can of course use identifiers as father, mother, son and daughter. But addressing by name? No, I do not say "How are you doing today, Billy?" to my son, should his name be Billy, rather "How are you doing today, my son?" or more likely "How are you doing today?"

All in all, you do not repeat one's name all the time.

amigueo (Profil anzeigen) 21. Januar 2024 12:59:37

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amigueo (Profil anzeigen) 31. Januar 2024 17:25:45

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