У садржају

Did I read this right?

од radosity, 08. децембар 2006.

Поруке: 5

Језик: English

radosity (Погледати профил) 08. децембар 2006. 03.07.52

With my limited Esperanto vocabulary and lots of dictionary use (I'm very much a beginner), I occasionally try to read the joke on the front page.

So this one says...

"Dum la geografia leciono, la instruistino demandas:
- Joĉjo, donu al mi tri asertojn, kiuj pruvas, ke la tero estas ronda.
Post ioma cerbumado, li respondas:
- Bone, la libro diras ke ĝi estas tia, mia patro diras ke ĝi estas tia, kaj nun sinjorino, ankaŭ vi diras ke ĝi estas tia, do..."

Would that translate to:

"During a geography lesson, the teacher asks:
-[Is this a name?], give me three statements that prove that the earth is round.
After thinking, he responds:
-Okay, the book says it is, my father says it is, and now, ma'am, you say that it is too, so..."

Thanks ridulo.gif

radosity (Погледати профил) 08. децембар 2006. 03.18.51

Thank you! rido.gif

WurdBendur (Погледати профил) 08. децембар 2006. 06.40.03

waxle:Yes, that's pretty much right.

And yes, Joĉjo is a name. It could be short for Johano, John. -ĉj- is the masculine familiar-pet-name suffix.
sal.gif I also call myself Joĉjo, short for Jozefo. I suppose there are other possibilities as well.

radosity (Погледати профил) 08. децембар 2006. 14.39.07

Just out of curiosity, how is Joĉjo pronounced? I've never heard it.

erinja (Погледати профил) 10. децембар 2006. 00.55.45

radosity:Just out of curiosity, how is Joĉjo pronounced? I've never heard it.
Just like "YOH-chyo" in English. Or if it's easier for you to think about it this way, "YOCH-yo"

In case anyone is wondering and doesn't know, the -cxj- is a nickname suffix for males. Take the first one or two syllables of a name and add -cxjo to the end to make it a nickname. So "Vilhelmo" = William, "Vilcxjo" = Bill or Will.

The female version of this suffix is -nj-. It works in the same way, except that -a endings are also common. So the nickname form of Elizabeth would be Elinjo or Elinja.

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