訊息: 11
語言: English
ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2009年9月26日下午3:19:12
Because 'period' in the En-Eo dictionary comes up as 'punkto' which is also generic spot or dot (other than 'periodo', which isn't very primary-school-friendly, and 'monatajxo', which I assume refers to something else).
Horsto has kindly provided a link to a PMEG reference page with names of all the different punctuation dots/signs/miscellaneous pen markings:
PMEG - Helposignoj
tommjames (顯示個人資料) 2009年9月26日下午3:33:16
I like frazfina punkto and I think it makes good sense as a translation but I think it's pretty unnecessary. I struggle to imagine a context in which punkto would be confused with some other kind of dot so I probably wouldn't use it myself.. unless of course there was a clear need to be more specific.
Matthieu (顯示個人資料) 2009年9月26日下午3:35:43
In French we use point, which also means point, dot, and spot (like punkto in Esperanto).
ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2009年9月26日下午5:51:45
I thought it would just be useful in the event someone was talking about written syntax and dots at the same time. Never know when that could happen!
Miland (顯示個人資料) 2009年9月27日下午5:24:15
Interpunkcio – Punctuation Marks
. punkto
, komo
; punktokomo
: dupunkto
? demandosigno
! krisigno
-- haltosigno
... tripunkto
- dividostreko
‘ apostrofo
“ “ ‘ ’ citiloj
( ) krampoj
* stel(et)o
ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2009年9月28日上午6:49:31
One question, what's the word for '/'? I've been using 'slaŝo' as a makeshift word so far but I doubt that's correct (and if it is then that makes things easy for me )
fizikisto (顯示個人資料) 2009年9月28日上午7:14:00
ceigered:One question, what's the word for '/'? I've been using 'slaŝo' as a makeshift word so far but I doubt that's correct (and if it is then that makes things easy for me )Se mi ĝuste memoras, "/" estas "klinstreko".
ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2009年9月28日上午7:42:01
fizikisto:Dankon!ceigered:One question, what's the word for '/'? I've been using 'slaŝo' as a makeshift word so far but I doubt that's correct (and if it is then that makes things easy for me )Se mi ĝuste memoras, "/" estas "klinstreko".
Miland (顯示個人資料) 2009年9月28日下午12:38:47