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Језик: English
colindean (Погледати профил) 13. април 2007. 14.07.01
Any idea where I might find a list? The Lernu.net Vortaro has quite a few, but it would be easier if I could get a list.
I'm working on my college graduation project, and I want to i18nize it in English and Esperanto before I release it.
erinja (Погледати профил) 13. април 2007. 14.29.05
colindean:I'm trying to find a list of computers technology words in Esperanto. I've been using the word vojisto for "router" for the past few months, and I'm worried that I might have constructed it incorrectly (voj/o - route, -isto - -er, which seems correct, but there might be other ways to construct it).The Esperanto Wikipedia has it as "enkursigilo"
Any idea where I might find a list? The Lernu.net Vortaro has quite a few, but it would be easier if I could get a list.
I'm working on my college graduation project, and I want to i18nize it in English and Esperanto before I release it.
These lists might also be useful, for reference on other terms (the first address is the most extensive list I have seen, but the others may potentially be useful, as last resorts if the first list doesn't have something):
vagemulo (Погледати профил) 13. април 2007. 15.17.14
vagemulo (Погледати профил) 13. април 2007. 17.20.02
erinja (Погледати профил) 13. април 2007. 17.26.32
Another somewhat more elegant option is to talk about "ricevitaj mesaĝoj" ("received messages") for the inbox, "senditaj mesaĝoj" for "sent messages", and "sendotaj mesaĝoj" for an outbox (going-to-be-sent messages)
colindean (Погледати профил) 13. април 2007. 22.46.37
erinja:The Esperanto Wikipedia has it as "enkursigilo"A tool for making into a course? *shrug*
Hmm. That's not as catchy as "vojisto." What, then, would "vojisto" mean? Would it perhaps then refer to a person who voyages? A traveler? Traveler would be closer to "vojaĝisto" or one who makes a route/path/way/voyage.
I think I'm going to stick to Vojisto. It's shorter and easier to pronounce, despite being a little wrong. I'll change "router" to enkursigilo other places, though.
Thanks for the links--I'm sure they'll come in handy.
erinja (Погледати профил) 13. април 2007. 23.53.31
colindean:A "vojisto" would be someone whose hobby is paths. The -ist- suffix is generally used to refer to hobbies or professions. If you have your heart set on using a version of 'voj', then I would say, perhaps, "vojilo" (a tool for paths/routes).
Hmm. That's not as catchy as "vojisto." What, then, would "vojisto" mean?
I would definitely use "enkursigilo" in any texts that you plan to publish, though. It is the word in use. I found it not only in wikipedia but also in one of the technical guides I linked to. If you use something else, you risk not being understood, since the voj/ root is not used to refer to routers anywhere online (as far as I can tell).
pastorant (Погледати профил) 14. април 2007. 01.41.43
Komputila Vortaro
dcoe (Погледати профил) 14. април 2007. 07.26.08
andreasvc (Погледати профил) 14. април 2007. 12.32.05
vagemulo:Ĉu iu scias kiel diri Inbox aŭ Outbox? mi rigardis ĈIEN!!!Ricevitujo kaj Senditujo (but that's Sent box, not Outbox).
I translated a webmail system (IlohaMail), so I had to find all such terms.