Al la enhavo

The word "real"

de Wilhelm, 2010-septembro-03

Mesaĝoj: 5

Lingvo: English

Wilhelm (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-03 20:37:05


Can anyone help with a summary of the various meanings, translations and appropriate usages of the word "real".
When I enter 'real' in the lernu dictionary I get "efektiva, reala, fakta".
So I guess I wanna know which one to use and when. For example, "...real goods and services"



Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-03 20:57:18

The words are not much different. But here's my opinion about usage. Efektiva and fakta refer to facts or events, so that we might say Efektive li aŭtoveturis pli ol 100 kilometrojn dum la semajnfino, 'In fact he travelled more than 100 kms by car during the weekend'. Vera would refer to statements that are true, so that we might respond to a surprising report by Ĉu vere? 'Really?' Reala means 'genuine', and so I would translate 'real goods and services' by realaj varoj kaj servoj. But, for example, to bring a plan into reality or 'realise it' in that sense could be either realigi or efektivigi.

sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-03 23:04:03

What's the contrast here William. Are you comparing them to virtual goods and services.

In which case you could say malvirtualaj, konkretaj or simply realaj.

Real in 'real estate' or 'realtor' probably needs a separate translation (bieno?).

Wilhelm (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-04 18:47:53

sudanglo:What's the contrast here William. Are you comparing them to virtual goods and services.
I wanted to use it thus:
"The US exports paper and receives real goods and services in return."*

Real in 'real estate' or 'realtor' probably needs a separate translation (bieno?).
For 'real estate' I found the translation 'nemoveblaĵo', is this ok?



* This analysis is from "Super Imperialism:
The Economic Strategy of American Empire" (1971) by Michael Hudson.

RiotNrrd (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-04 20:46:39

Benson gives "bienaĵo" and "terenaĵo" for "real estate".

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