
"There is a problem" - This phrase

貼文者: sandman85, 2007年9月30日

訊息: 15

語言: English

mnlg (顯示個人資料) 2007年10月4日上午8:48:10

黄鸡蛋:To me "it's a problem" and "there's a problem" seems the same... And "estas problemo" can mean both, especially when you say "Estas problemo, ke...".
No, that to me means "we have a [possibly new] problem and that is because...". It wouldn't mean "the problem at least one of us was referring to earlier is about...". I would say that like "La problemo estas, ke...".

jpsparenberg (顯示個人資料) 2007年10月4日上午8:55:13

黄鸡蛋:To me "it's a problem" and "there's a problem" seems the same... And "estas problemo" can mean both, especially when you say "Estas problemo, ke...".
No, that to me means "we have a [possibly new] problem and that is because...". It wouldn't mean "the problem at least one of us was referring to earlier is about...". I would say that like "La problemo estas, ke...".
En la franca ekzistas diferenco inter "it's a problem" kaj "there is a problem".
"it's a problem" (fra : c'est un problème) signifas ke la auxskultanto jam scias pri kio problemo oni parolas. Li ne atendas alian informon pri tio problemo. Do, laux mi, la traduko estos : "tio estas problemo".
Sed "there's a problem" (fra : il y a un problème) implicas alian klarigon. Do la traduko : "estas problemo" aux "ni havas problemon" subkomprenite ke vi klarigos al la auskultanto kion estas tio problemo.



erinja (顯示個人資料) 2007年10月4日下午1:28:24

Write in any language in this forum, but since it is the English forum, please include an English translation! We have many beginners here.

In French there is a difference between "it's a problem" and "there is a problem".
"it's a problem" (fra : c'est un problème) means that the listener already knows which problem is being discussed. He is not waiting for additional information about that problem. So I think the translation will be : "tio estas problemo".
But "there's a problem" (fra : il y a un problème) implies another explanation. So the translation : "estas problemo" or "ni havas problemon" means that it's understood that you'll explain to the listener what the problem is.



jpsparenberg (顯示個人資料) 2007年10月4日下午8:40:23

erinja:Write in any language in this forum, but since it is the English forum, please include an English translation! We have many beginners here.

In French there is a difference between "it's a problem" and "there is a problem".
"it's a problem" (fra : c'est un problème) means that the listener already knows which problem is being discussed. He is not waiting for additional information about that problem. So I think the translation will be : "tio estas problemo".
But "there's a problem" (fra : il y a un problème) implies another explanation. So the translation : "estas problemo" or "ni havas problemon" means that it's understood that you'll explain to the listener what the problem is.


I am awfully sorry. Since it's the first time I write something in this forum, I was not aware that English was mandatory. Anyway, thank you for your remark and your transalation.

erinja (顯示個人資料) 2007年10月5日上午1:50:35

It's not exactly "mandatory" - it's just a way to be polite to the beginners. Presumably they are here because they don't yet feel comfortable enough in Esperanto to participate fully in the Esperanto forums. Perhaps they want to ask questions and understand the answers - this is the place where they can do that in a language they understand (as are all of the 'national language' forums)
