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Vorto de la tago - BRILI

од Pupeno, 01. октобар 2007.

Поруке: 9

Језик: English

Pupeno (Погледати профил) 01. октобар 2007. 19.04.32

My two sentences of today, using "brili".

La suno ne brilas ofte en Dublino. (The sun doesn't shine often in Dublin).
Ŝi brilis sur estrado. (She shone on stage)

Please, feel free to correct my sentences and post your own if you want.

mnlg (Погледати профил) 01. октобар 2007. 20.44.11

Pupeno:Ŝi brilis sur estrado. (She shone on stage)
"stage" is "scenejo". "estrado" is more or less "leading". Everything else sounds good ridulo.gif

Charlie (Погледати профил) 01. октобар 2007. 21.31.59

The vortaro gives 'estrado' as 'platform' or 'stage'

RiotNrrd (Погледати профил) 02. октобар 2007. 01.20.50

Charlie:The vortaro gives 'estrado' as 'platform' or 'stage'
Indeed it does. However, my copy of the CEED doesn't give the word "estrado" for either "stage" OR "platform" (and since the CEED doesn't go both ways, I can't look up the English translation of the word "estrado" in it).

However, since "estro" means "leader, boss, or chief", and the suffix "-ad" means (basically) the action of whatever is described by the root (the vortaro gives it's meaning as "-ation, -ing"), I would hazard that "leading" - in its noun sense, of course - is a better translation than "stage".

white knight (Погледати профил) 02. октобар 2007. 08.26.23

Ŝi brilis sur estrado. (She shone on stage)
Everything else sounds good ridulo.gif
rido.gif I think it better saying: Gxi brilis... (For animals and things = "gxi", isn´t it?

mnlg (Погледати профил) 02. октобар 2007. 09.20.06

white knight:I think it better saying: Ĝi brilis... (For animals and things = "ĝi", isn´t it?
I think he meant an actress. If that's true, "ŝi brilis" is correct.

erinja (Погледати профил) 02. октобар 2007. 20.18.20

The "reta vortaro" gives "estrado" as meaning something like "podium" in English (i.e. a small platform that a speaker stands upon)

mnlg (Погледати профил) 02. октобар 2007. 21.40.06

That's true. I also see "podio", though. Must be one of the relatively few cases of homonymy in Esperanto.

I take back my very first correction, even though I would suggest using scenejo or podio.

T0dd (Погледати профил) 03. октобар 2007. 00.14.15

I think "She shone on stage" is something I wouldn't want to translate literally. I might say "Ŝi rolis brile" or "Sxi teatrumis brile" or something like that.

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