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Translation of English proverbs

dari cFlat7, 20 Oktober 2013

Pesan: 40

Bahasa: English

sudanglo (Tunjukkan profil) 23 Oktober 2013 09.16.54

I like how the first one reads, if only it included the notion of good intentions.
OK, then Bon-intenca destino, tamen ruino
What do you think about 'per' at the end: "...per bonaj intencoj".
I hesitated over the choice between de and per myself. After posting I thought may be per is better. It is just a question of two different images.

sudanglo (Tunjukkan profil) 23 Oktober 2013 09.44.56

Eng: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Prefere, problemo evitita ol problemo spertota. (You could also use malhelpita or preventita)

Or Ignoro nun malŝparos oron poste.

Or Nuna atento, estonta prevento

cFlat7 (Tunjukkan profil) 24 Oktober 2013 04.18.48

I like how the first one reads, if only it included the notion of good intentions.
OK, then Bon-intenca destino, tamen ruino
What do you think about 'per' at the end: "...per bonaj intencoj".
I hesitated over the choice between de and per myself. After posting I thought may be per is better. It is just a question of two different images.
'Bon-intenca' -- very nice.

Agreed, yet I think 'per' seems to read better.

cFlat7 (Tunjukkan profil) 24 Oktober 2013 04.20.05

Eng: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Prefere, problemo evitita ol problemo spertota. (You could also use malhelpita or preventita)

Or Ignoro nun malŝparos oron poste.

Or Nuna atento, estonta prevento
This 2'nd one is excellent.

cFlat7 (Tunjukkan profil) 24 Oktober 2013 04.27.56

Eng: Waste not, want not.

Eo: Malŝparas ete , bezonos ete.

sudanglo (Tunjukkan profil) 24 Oktober 2013 12.28.28

Eng: Waste not, want not.
Ne malŝparu, kaj al vi ne mankos

Ŝparo malhelpas mankon.

(You could instead of malhelpi use forigi or preventi)

noelekim (Tunjukkan profil) 25 Oktober 2013 03.24.07

cFlat7:Eng: Waste not, want not.

Eo: Malŝparas ete , bezonos ete.
Ŝparu kiam bone, vi havos kiam bezone. (Proverbaro)

noelekim (Tunjukkan profil) 25 Oktober 2013 04.14.41

cFlat7:Another one I was thinking of today:

Eng: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Eo: Gramo da preventado valoras kilogramon da kuracado.
Both the Spanish-Eo Dictionary of Fernando de Diego (prevenir), and the Portuguese-Eo dictionary of Túlio Flores (prevenir), translate "prevention is better than cure" as pli bone preventi ol lamenti.

The Italian-Eo dictionary of C. Minnaja (prevenire) translates the same phrase as prefere preventi ol kuraci.

cFlat7 (Tunjukkan profil) 25 Oktober 2013 12.11.49

These are terrific guys. We need to collect these somehow, somewhere.

Another one I just heard:

Eng: One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Eo: Tiu forĵetas, alia trezoras.

Which focuses on the action; if the focus is the object:

Eo: Forĵetaĵo por tiu, estas trezoro por alia.

noelekim (Tunjukkan profil) 26 Oktober 2013 06.22.09

cFlat7:These are terrific guys. We need to collect these somehow, somewhere.

Another one I just heard:

Eng: One man's trash is another man's treasure.
I can't find a close equivalent in the Proverbaro, but I like the German version:
"was dem einen nichts ist, ist dem anderen alles" : kio por unu estas nenio, por alia estas ĉio.

Here are a couple more sayings of a similar type. These are from the Proverbaro.

one man's loss is another man's gain - du militas, tria profitas

one man's meat is another man's poison - kio al unu donas forton, al alia donas morton

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