メッセージ: 40
言語: English
sudanglo (プロフィールを表示) 2013年10月23日 9:16:54
I like how the first one reads, if only it included the notion of good intentions.OK, then Bon-intenca destino, tamen ruino
What do you think about 'per' at the end: "...per bonaj intencoj".I hesitated over the choice between de and per myself. After posting I thought may be per is better. It is just a question of two different images.
sudanglo (プロフィールを表示) 2013年10月23日 9:44:56
Eng: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.Prefere, problemo evitita ol problemo spertota. (You could also use malhelpita or preventita)
Or Ignoro nun malŝparos oron poste.
Or Nuna atento, estonta prevento
cFlat7 (プロフィールを表示) 2013年10月24日 4:18:48
sudanglo:'Bon-intenca' -- very nice.I like how the first one reads, if only it included the notion of good intentions.OK, then Bon-intenca destino, tamen ruinoWhat do you think about 'per' at the end: "...per bonaj intencoj".I hesitated over the choice between de and per myself. After posting I thought may be per is better. It is just a question of two different images.
Agreed, yet I think 'per' seems to read better.
cFlat7 (プロフィールを表示) 2013年10月24日 4:20:05
sudanglo:This 2'nd one is excellent.Eng: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.Prefere, problemo evitita ol problemo spertota. (You could also use malhelpita or preventita)
Or Ignoro nun malŝparos oron poste.
Or Nuna atento, estonta prevento
cFlat7 (プロフィールを表示) 2013年10月24日 4:27:56
Eo: Malŝparas ete , bezonos ete.
sudanglo (プロフィールを表示) 2013年10月24日 12:28:28
Eng: Waste not, want not.Ne malŝparu, kaj al vi ne mankos
Ŝparo malhelpas mankon.
(You could instead of malhelpi use forigi or preventi)
noelekim (プロフィールを表示) 2013年10月25日 3:24:07
cFlat7:Eng: Waste not, want not.Ŝparu kiam bone, vi havos kiam bezone. (Proverbaro)
Eo: Malŝparas ete , bezonos ete.
noelekim (プロフィールを表示) 2013年10月25日 4:14:41
cFlat7:Another one I was thinking of today:Both the Spanish-Eo Dictionary of Fernando de Diego (prevenir), and the Portuguese-Eo dictionary of Túlio Flores (prevenir), translate "prevention is better than cure" as pli bone preventi ol lamenti.
Eng: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Eo: Gramo da preventado valoras kilogramon da kuracado.
The Italian-Eo dictionary of C. Minnaja (prevenire) translates the same phrase as prefere preventi ol kuraci.
cFlat7 (プロフィールを表示) 2013年10月25日 12:11:49
Another one I just heard:
Eng: One man's trash is another man's treasure.
Eo: Tiu forĵetas, alia trezoras.
Which focuses on the action; if the focus is the object:
Eo: Forĵetaĵo por tiu, estas trezoro por alia.
noelekim (プロフィールを表示) 2013年10月26日 6:22:09
cFlat7:These are terrific guys. We need to collect these somehow, somewhere.I can't find a close equivalent in the Proverbaro, but I like the German version:
Another one I just heard:
Eng: One man's trash is another man's treasure.
"was dem einen nichts ist, ist dem anderen alles" : kio por unu estas nenio, por alia estas ĉio.
Here are a couple more sayings of a similar type. These are from the Proverbaro.
one man's loss is another man's gain - du militas, tria profitas
one man's meat is another man's poison - kio al unu donas forton, al alia donas morton