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How to say cuteness overload?

fra Zvoc47,2016 5 17

Meldinger: 22

Språk: English

Zvoc47 (Å vise profilen) 2016 5 17 14:38:29

Is beleca trosxargxo correct?

Vestitor (Å vise profilen) 2016 5 17 16:03:24

I don't even know what it means in English and it's my native language!

Alkanadi (Å vise profilen) 2016 5 17 16:26:17

Zvoc47:Is beleca trosxargxo correct?
Cuteness overload is an idiom, which means that it is usually best to avoid a direct translation. Otherwise, some people in other cultures may not get it.

I think it is better to say: Kia beleta?

This is not an exact translation but it conveys the meaning.

erinja (Å vise profilen) 2016 5 17 18:16:23

Zvoc47:Is beleca trosxargxo correct?
Cuteness overload is an idiom, which means that it is usually best to avoid a direct translation. Otherwise, some people in other cultures may not get it.

I think it is better to say: Kia beleta?

This is not an exact translation but it conveys the meaning.
Kia beleta doesn't make sense as even an approximate translation of this idea ("What kind of cute ...?" ) . You'd need to accompany it with a noun for it to make sense at all.

RiotNrrd (Å vise profilen) 2016 5 17 18:33:32


Vaidd (Å vise profilen) 2016 5 17 20:33:31

Verŝajne, mi dirus 'Tro beleteco.'

erinja (Å vise profilen) 2016 5 17 21:12:27

I don't even use "beleta" for cute, really. I use "cxarma". I would probably say "tro cxarme!" if I encountered something extra cute.

("tro beleteco" doesn't work because "tro" is grammatically a noun or an adverb, and therefore cannot modify a noun. You need a linking preposition, and since we are talking about quantity here, "tro da beleteco!" would be the right expression)

Vestitor (Å vise profilen) 2016 5 17 21:42:14

Personally I don't think anyone should try and translate this, it's just nonsensical.

noelekim (Å vise profilen) 2016 5 18 04:28:19

Zvoc47:Is beleca trosxargxo correct?
It seems to mean "unbearably cute" (neelteneble aminda, neelteneble ĉarma) or "unbearable cuteness" (neeltenebla amindeco/ĉarmeco).

I tried these out on the phrase in Google News and they seem to work.

vejktoro (Å vise profilen) 2016 5 18 05:25:01

Vestitor:Personally I don't think anyone should try and translate this, it's just nonsensical.
Direct translation of an idiom is a bad idea. Especially if the idiom hasn't quite made it to mainstream in the native tongue.... just say what you mean and stop trying to be cute.

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