Translation of English Phrases
从 pianopimp27, 2009年4月25日
讯息: 4
语言: English
pianopimp27 (显示个人资料) 2009年4月25日下午7:31:27
1. each other We should help each each other
My best guess - unu la alian
2. anyway Anyway, what are we doing later?
I guess "nu" would work, but is there anything to denote more of a transition to an a different subject
3. work I don't know if this idea is going to work (The german "klappen")
My guess is funkcii, but that feels more like "function" than this kind of work, like "work out"
Miland (显示个人资料) 2009年4月25日下午10:25:04
pianopimp27 (显示个人资料) 2009年4月26日下午6:35:00
Anyone have any other similar questions about random english phrases that you can't find translations for?
ceigered (显示个人资料) 2009年4月27日下午3:33:40
pianopimp27:Anyone have any other similar questions about random english phrases that you can't find translations for?I'm not sure I can think of any, but I'm just wondering if maybe me or someone else with dictionary editing privileges should be adding definitions for the words covered here - anyone else thinking the same?
EDIT: Sorry, it seems to have already been done, at least for 'unu la alian' (each other). Please ignore my message