讯息: 7
语言: English
Shanemk (显示个人资料) 2010年11月16日下午7:09:08
darkweasel (显示个人资料) 2010年11月16日下午7:58:39
Wikipedia has paparaco for "paparazzo" (that's the singular of "paparazzi", btw), but you could use trudfotografisto aŭ kaŝfotografisto if you want to use more widely comprehensible roots.
A "star" in the sense of a famous person is stelulo according to ReVo, and if you want to emphasize this even more, you could use egstelulo or stelulego (though the latter could be misunderstood as referring to size, not degree).
Miland (显示个人资料) 2010年11月16日下午8:21:46
erinja (显示个人资料) 2010年11月16日下午8:31:05
ceigered (显示个人资料) 2010年11月17日上午11:13:32
Shanemk:And superstar. Superstar is maybe "fametulo?" A highly famous person?fam-EG-ulo

(EDIT: Ah, Darkweasel, you eagle-eyed fellow, beating me again!

It doesn't help that paparazzo is named after a character from an italian movie, La Dolce Vita.
For some reason I go "famulĉasanta raportisto" aka "famulĉas(ant/ul)o". Or maybe "ĉas-raport-isto" or "ĉasa raportisto
Heck, what's "stalker" in Esperanto? Surely we can make a pejorative connotation of our own out of that and some other roots?
Shanemk (显示个人资料) 2010年11月17日下午6:27:07