შინაარსის ნახვა

My Cat and Her Bowl

bartlett22183-ისა და 13 მაისი, 2011-ის მიერ

შეტყობინებები: 17

ენა: English

Miland (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 14 მაისი, 2011 18:04:53

henma:ŝi turmentis min, por ke mi X-u.

However, in my view we could also have:
Ŝi miaŭe petis min meti manĝaĵon en ŝian bovlon.

bartlett22183 (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 14 მაისი, 2011 19:40:38

I appreciate all the responses. rideto.gif Sometimes it seems as if many of the discussions on these (and other) forums are tiny details about grammar and whatnot. In this instance I am trying to describe something about my daily life to someone with whom I share no other language than E-o. Dankon.


johmue (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 14 მაისი, 2011 20:19:53

henma:ŝi turmentis min, por ke mi X-u.

However, in my view we could also have:
Ŝi miaŭe petis min meti manĝaĵon en ŝia bovlo.
... en ŝiaN bovloN.

Miland (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 14 მაისი, 2011 20:30:19

johmue:... en ŝiaN bovloN.
Dankon, I've corrected the message.

sudanglo (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 15 მაისი, 2011 09:08:08

I not sure that I follow your argument Daniel. However, you may well have a good point and perhaps I haven't yet fully grasped the issues here.

You didn't object to 'Mi dankas vin, ke vi atente legis mian mesaĝon', and isn't that grammactically similar to 'Ŝi turmentis min, ke mi manĝigu ŝin'.

You wouldn't normally say 'Mi dankas al vi ion', but you could say 'Mi dankas vin pri io' as you could also say 'Ŝi turmentis min pri io.

It seems to me that sticking a 'por' in front of the 'ke' ascribes a layer of purpose or intentionality to the cat which is absent from 'La kato turmentis min pri tio, ke mi manĝigu ŝin'.

ceigered (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 15 მაისი, 2011 10:27:26

Thanks Henma for that explanation. The "ŝi petas min ke mi ... (ktp)" got me thinking a lot okulumo.gif

henma (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 15 მაისი, 2011 16:04:20

sudanglo:You didn't object to 'Mi dankas vin, ke vi atente legis mian mesaĝon', and isn't that grammactically similar to 'Ŝi turmentis min, ke mi manĝigu ŝin'.
You are right... I didn't notice it in that sentence.

I was looking for something else yesterday in PMEG (I needed to explain an interesting question of one of my lernantoj) and found in point 33.2.3 this:

Se la rolvorteto estas pri, oni normale forlasas ĝin (kaj la helpan tio)

and this:

Okaze oni forlasas ankaŭ por tio antaŭ ke-frazo ... Rimarku, ke la ĉefverbo ĉiam havas U-finaĵon en tiaj subfrazoj

So, using just ke, instead of "pri tio, ke" or "por tio, ke" is normal and accepted in the Esperato grammar.

The sentence originally posted is correct, then (except for the "fruaj matenoj" issue already explained).



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