Messages: 8
Language: English
Pollux (User's profile) May 24, 2006, 10:22:43 AM
I was thinking recently about the promotion of Esperanto and I would like to share my thoughts with you.
I think that a good way to promote Esperanto would be to organize in school some Esperanto days (or mornings or afternoons). It would consist to a presentation of Esperanto and its culture to students (and interested teachers). Of course, it would require an authorization from headmasters but it would be organize free of charge. I suppose that one of the main problem would be to find free esperantist for these animations but I think that many esperanto-club have dynamic retired people who would be able to do it.
I don't have much time now to develop this idea. What do you think of it? Is it realised somewhere?
scottish_chic (User's profile) September 11, 2006, 6:29:16 PM
At my school, the only languages on offer are French, German & Spanish, so I think it would be brilliant to have some Esperanto promotion in schools. When I am older I would like to work with Esperanto, so that would be a good thing to do!

orthohawk (User's profile) September 11, 2006, 10:47:28 PM
Pollux:Hi,I think the best way to do this (while Esperanto is still "iffy") is to have an Esperanto Club at schools. I plan to start one wherever I end up when I start teaching in 3 years.
I was thinking recently about the promotion of Esperanto and I would like to share my thoughts with you.
I think that a good way to promote Esperanto would be to organize in school some Esperanto days (or mornings or afternoons). It would consist to a presentation of Esperanto and its culture to students (and interested teachers). Of course, it would require an authorization from headmasters but it would be organize free of charge. I suppose that one of the main problem would be to find free esperantist for these animations but I think that many esperanto-club have dynamic retired people who would be able to do it.
I don't have much time now to develop this idea. What do you think of it? Is it realised somewhere?
Kwekubo (User's profile) September 12, 2006, 12:18:07 AM
erinja (User's profile) September 12, 2006, 3:57:33 PM
orthohawk:I know a teacher in Cape Cod, MA who has done something like this. If you want to get in contact with her to find out how she handled it, send me a lernu! message letting me know. I think her class was using lernu! so if you're interested, I could probably just let you guys exchange lernu! usernames.
I think the best way to do this (while Esperanto is still "iffy") is to have an Esperanto Club at schools. I plan to start one wherever I end up when I start teaching in 3 years.
orthohawk (User's profile) September 18, 2006, 6:51:53 PM
erinja:Ho! Nu, donu al sxi mian informon! know a teacher in Cape Cod, MA who has done something like this. If you want to get in contact with her to find out how she handled it, send me a lernu! message letting me know. I think her class was using lernu! so if you're interested, I could probably just let you guys exchange lernu! usernames.
I think the best way to do this (while Esperanto is still "iffy") is to have an Esperanto Club at schools. I plan to start one wherever I end up when I start teaching in 3 years.
Lunombrulino (User's profile) October 6, 2006, 10:51:31 PM
1. The current longivity of Esperanto is due to the fact that it is a grass-roots movement. The very few attempts at government intervention have proved to be short lived at best and disastrous at worst. The best way to keep Esperanto as a living, thriving language is to keep it grass-roots.
2. Education is all fine and good, but it would seem, at least historically in the United States, that the best way to make something successful is to popularize it in the media. If we want to make the language popular among youth, we need to make it "cool." This is why large corporations are willing to spend billions of dollars on product placement in movies and television.
There have been some half-hearted attempts at putting Esperanto in the popular media, such as the movie Blade Trinity and that British show, the name of which escapes me at the moment.
How do we do this without huge bank accounts? I have no idea. PR isn't my specialty. Sorry.
gxosefo (User's profile) October 11, 2006, 1:14:03 AM
mi penas interesti miajn amikojn, kaj instrui al ili felicxe kiam ili volas lerni Esperanto. ankaux mi faris Esperantan retpagxon ^^