
Yet another embarrassing omission from the English-Esperanto dictionaries: ‘publishing’

貼文者: mkj1887, 2017年4月7日

訊息: 4

語言: English

mkj1887 (顯示個人資料) 2017年4月7日下午9:28:02

The word ‘publishing’ is accorded a separate, standalone, entry in Merriam-Webster, Wiktionary, and Wikipedia, but not in Benson, nor in Wells, nor in Vikivortaro, nor in ReVo, nor in Sonja.

Vestitor (顯示個人資料) 2017年4月7日下午10:24:12

It's not an omission. 'Publishing' is derived from the main verb 'publish' in the same way 'fighting' is derived from 'fight' and doesn't have it's own separate main entry.

Fenris_kcf (顯示個人資料) 2017年4月7日下午11:01:25

Oh, this again? Really?
Well, i guess it was fatuous from me to believe that you learned your lesson last time.

morico (顯示個人資料) 2017年4月7日下午11:10:37

For people who want learn English with Esperanto, the main embarassing omissions are:
- the tonic accent when it is not on the first syllabe (about 30-40% of words);
- the phonetic writing of English words as in other language dictionaries.
