Į turinį

Time out

Alkanadi, 2015 m. gruodis 9 d.

Žinutės: 14

Kalba: English

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gruodis 9 d. 09:24:53

How do you say time out area for kids?

Would it be malliberejo?

How would you say "he was on time out"

Vestitor (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gruodis 9 d. 11:48:39

Malliberejo is a gaol!

sergejm (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gruodis 9 d. 13:42:54

via komputeko timeout is tempolimo or eltempiĝo (time-out).
malliberejo is prison.

sudanglo (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gruodis 9 d. 13:47:40

Alkanadi you need to explain first what a time-out area for kids is, and then we might be able to come up with a suitable translation.

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gruodis 9 d. 13:48:33

sergejm:timeout is tempolimo
Is tempolimejo a good word for a time out area?

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gruodis 9 d. 13:50:57

sudanglo:Alkanadi you need to explain first what a time-out area for kids is, and then we might be able to come up with a suitable translation.
It is a chair, step, corner, spot on the carpet, being confined to a room, or having some type of invisible boundary.

What would you call this type of punishment when it is applied to kids?

Kirilo81 (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gruodis 9 d. 14:04:35

paŭtejo okulumo.gif

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gruodis 9 d. 14:18:35

Kirilo81:paŭtejo okulumo.gif
Funny. I like that one.

Vestitor (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gruodis 9 d. 17:11:48

What would you call this type of punishment when it is applied to kids?
The naughty step.

opalo (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. gruodis 9 d. 22:26:34

If you feel that paŭtejo is too sarcastic then try punejo or punejeto.

A vaguer and less judgmental word might be apartejo. Other possibilities: elbarejo, paŭzejo, koleroĉambro, silentigejo, dampejo...

"He was in time-out." Li estis en la paŭtejo. Li estis en punopaŭzo. Li ekskludiĝantis. Li elbariĝantis.

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