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translation help: "creative destruction"

از qwertz, 23 ژوئن 2010

پست‌ها: 7

زبان: English

qwertz (نمایش مشخصات) 23 ژوئن 2010،‏ 7:42:25


do you have any idea, what the best e-o translation for "creative destruction" could be? (economic theory of innovation and progress)

krea detruo, detruado?

kreema detruo, detruado?


ceigered (نمایش مشخصات) 23 ژوئن 2010،‏ 7:55:23

Krea detruado?
Or maybe detruado pro kreado (which sounds like some Latin motto).

(I would have said "kreema detruado" but it's not the destruction that's creative, rather it's the creativity (innovation in the market) that brought the destruction (of an older, less innovative equivalent market) if I understand the basic concept correctly).

qwertz (نمایش مشخصات) 23 ژوئن 2010،‏ 8:10:59

I understand "creative destruction" this way that sometimes it's better to destroy a misfunctioning or paralyzed concept, organisation, lobby network etc. and build it up from ground again to get it proper working again. Like it happend wide area in eastern europe after the Wende. Em, okay not really, they still had to copy some misfunctioning or paralyzed concepts of the "winner system" (never criticise the winner). So no authentic "refresh".

(I encounter that demand/situation at my local e-o group. I don't wanna discouraged somebody to build up a local e-o group. In my opinion it's just the onsite situation where I live.)

LVX (نمایش مشخصات) 23 ژوئن 2010،‏ 20:52:19

Krea frakaso, kreema frakasado.

Miland (نمایش مشخصات) 24 ژوئن 2010،‏ 10:00:09

In my view ceigered's suggestion is as good as any, but another way may be to look at it as a continual reconstruction, rekonstruado, or if you want to emphasize a continual making new, renovigado. Of course you could take a cue from the Soviets and use perestrojko!

ceigered (نمایش مشخصات) 24 ژوئن 2010،‏ 10:12:27

Renovigado sounds even more awesome than perestrojko rido.gif

Miland (نمایش مشخصات) 25 ژوئن 2010،‏ 18:08:03

ceigered:Renovigado sounds even more awesome than perestrojko rido.gif
Both flattering and absolutely right - that word derived from Russian is in PIV 2005. I've corrected my message.

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